Improving Page Loading Speed of your Website for Better SEO

Author: Sarah Iyer

Companies and businesses cite different reasons behind their decision to hire SEO expert India, but amongst all the reasons, one thing sounds common that they are all looking to improve the rank. This can be done in a number of ways and one of them is increasing the page loading speed. According to the experts, page loading speed has a huge role to play in determining the overall rank of the website. Here in this article, we will cover different aspects related to page loading speed and its influence on search engine ranking of the website.


The level of patience has really gone down in humans and this is actually the downside of the high speed Internet connection. Now we don’t have the patience to wait more than 3 seconds for a webpage to load. If it’s taking more than three seconds, the audience will not delay in closing the website and switching to another one. Here you could understand the importance of page loading speed that you have just three seconds to stop a visitor and if you fail, you lose a potential customer or lead.


As you hire SEO experts India, as a part of the SEO audit program, he will determine the page loading speed and if it is below the standards, they will take a number of steps and we have covered some here.


When you outsource SEO services India, the first thing you should ask the experts to do is cutting down the number of HTTP requests. If you are unaware, let me tell that for every image on your website, there is a separate HTTP query generated for the user’s browser. This can increase the loading speed significantly and thus, experts recommend cutting down their numbers as much as possible. Experts from digital marketing company in India say that instead of this, the ideal way is to integrate all the images into CSS sprites. This cutting down of HTTP requests should be done for everything including different accessories like images, Flash videos or style sheets. This will have a strong effect on the upload time of your website.


High resolution images can certainly make a website attractive, but at the same time, they can also reduce the page loading speed that would apparently impact the SEO ranking. In this regards, experts say that cutting down the number of images or their quality is not the solution. Instead, hire SEO expert India who can optimize the images while keeping their quality intact. He should also be capable of breaking them in smaller parts and then putting them back in such a way that they don’t influence the page loading speed negatively.


It is estimated by the experts that using CDN or Content Delivery Network can boost the page loading speed significantly. CDN can be useful because with CDNs, you will have different servers in different locations of the world. When you find different servers to access in different parts of the world, you will be able to provide a faster loading website to the user no matter in which part of the world he is located. According to the experts, this is another way of decentralizing your website’s platform so that there are easier entry-points to your network, based on these CDNs.