1Z0-050: Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators

Author: Lilly Shah

1Z0-050: Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators is that exam where the applicants learn about the various topics that are necessary to learn about for the Oracle Database 11g technology. The given format for this exam is that the applicants have to solve seventy seven questions that are derived from the exam descriptive given below, the time given to complete the questions are one hundred and five minutes, the passing level for this exam is sixty one percent that can be attained with the help of the study materials given on the web.

1Z0-050: Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators exam takers have to understand and learn the following given topics so that they can become more professionals and efficient in their career by the help of learned skills and knowledge which provide them an edge over their fellow competitors.

The first section is called Installation and Upgrade Enhancements that provides knowledge to the applicants about Install Oracle Database 11g, database to Oracle Database 11, Oracle Direct NFS, online patching and Storage Enhancements.

The 1Z0-050: Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators topic of Setup ASM fast mirror resynch covers the objectives of scalability and performance enhancements, ASM disk group attributes, various new manageability options and md_backup, md_restore, and ASMCMD extensions.

The next topic is called Intelligent Infrastructure Enhancements that covers, using AWR baselines, AWR Baseline Metric Thresholds, Automated Maintenance Tasks and Database Resource Manager New Features along with new scheduler features. Performance Enhancement covers ADDM Enhancements, Automatic Memory Management and the task of Enhancements in statistics collection.

The topic of Using RMAN Enhancements covers the 1Z0-050: Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators components of Archive logs, duplicating a Database, large files in multiple sections, Archival Backups, Recovery Catalogs and virtual private catalog for RMAN. Using Flashback and Logminer covers the topic of Flashback Data Archive, Flashback Data Archive, transactions using Logminer. Enhancements cover the components of Automatic Diagnostic Repository, Support Workbench, health checks and SQL Repair Advisor. Another topic is called Database Replay that includes Advisor, data failures using Data Recovery Advisor the database. The other topic consists of password file to use case sensitive passwords that covers Encrypt a tablespace and grained access to network services.

Oracle SecureFiles is the topic that covers, Secure File LOBS to store documents with Compression, Encryption, access Secure File LOBS. The topic of Miscellaneous New Features covers the following learning objectives that are, the enhanced online table redefinition, finer grained dependency management, Adaptive Cursor Sharing and Tablespace Enhancements.

SQL Performance Analyzer is another topic that covers, SQL Performance Analyzer, SQL Performance Analyzer. The topic of SQL Plan Management consists of SQL Plan Baseline Architecture, Set up SQL Plan Baseline, SQL Plan Baseline Automatic SQL Tuning. The topic of Automatic SQL Tuning covers reports generated by Automatic SQL Tuning.

1Z0-050: Oracle Database 11g: New Features for Administrators can be easily passed by the help of available study materials by any high quality brand. The certification is given only to the successful candidates only.

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