1Z0-061: Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals
1Z0-061: Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals is for the professionals that have just started their careers, or the ones that are interested to learn about the Oracle Database 12c, the time given for exam completion is one hundred and twenty minutes. The questions that have to be completed are seventy five. The applicants have to score at least sixty five percent in the exam which include the learning of various elements. After passing the exam, the individuals are able to get the title of, OPN Certified Specialist, Oracle Database 12c Administrator Certified Associate and ORACLE MASTER Bronze Oracle Database 12c.
1Z0-061: Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals validates the applicants on the basis of following important topics:
The first topic is called Introduction in which the applicants have to learn about the objectives of describing and explaining the features of Oracle Database 12c, the salient features of Oracle Cloud 12c, the theoretical and physical aspects of a relational database, Oracle server’s implementation of RDBMS and object relational database management system, Data using the SQL SELECT Statement, the capabilities of SQL SELECT statements, a basic SELECT statement, Restricting and Sorting Data, rows that are retrieved by a query, rows that are retrieved by a query, 1Z0-061: Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals ampersand substitution to restrict and sort output at runtime, Single-Row Functions to Customize Output, various types of functions available in SQL, character, number, and date functions in SELECT statements, Conversion Functions and Conditional Expressions, various types of conversion functions that are available in SQL, TO_CHAR, TO_NUMBER, and TO_DATE conversion functions, conditional expressions in a SELECT statement, Aggregated Data Using the Group Functions, the available group functions, the use of group functions, data by using the GROUP BY clause, grouped rows by using the HAVING clause, Data From Multiple Tables Using Joins, SELECT statements to access data from more than one table using equijoins and nonequijoins, table to itself by using a self-join, data that generally does not meet a join condition by using OUTER joins, Cartesian product of all rows from two or more tables,
The 1Z0-061: Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals topic of Subqueries to Solve Queries includes the description of the objectives that are, subqueries, the types of problems that the subqueries can solve, the types of subqueries and single-row and multiple-row subqueries. Using the SET Operators covers set operators, a set operator to combine multiple queries into a single query, Control the order of rows returned, Tables using DML statements, Truncate data, Insert rows into a table, Update rows in a table, Delete rows from a table, Control transactions, Data Definition Language, the main database objects, the table structure, the data types that are available for columns, Create a simple table, constraints created at the time of table creation and how schema objects work.
The preparation for this exam is an important part where the applicants get to increase their knowledge and skills and also gain the valid information for the exam objectives. The 1Z0-061: Oracle Database 12c: SQL Fundamentals provide great values for the individuals that want to learn and grow their career responsibilities and values.
CertifyGuide offer every possible and workable solutions and related study materials for 1Z0-061 Sample Questions and 1Z0-060 Practice Exam.