The Beginner's Guide to Building a Customer Loyalty Program

Author: Miller Bella

Before Dropbox implemented their referral program, it cost the company $400 to acquire each new user, and the premium subscription price was just $99.

After they launched their referral program, their users were sending 2.8 million invitations per month to their friends and family, growing the company’s user base from 100.000 to 4.000.000 in about 1 year.

Source: Dropbox

If you are experiencing this scenario, it’s time to realize that this expense-to-profit ratio is not at all sustainable. When the acquisition costs are higher than what you stand to gain from a customer, it’s time to change the strategy.

In today’s digital world, e-commerce businesses are faced with 2 fundamental challenges:

  • the continuous increase of customer acquisition costs and

  • the unprecedented competition for customers’ attention.

In such a world, marketers have to be creative and highly customer-centric in order to adapt their marketing strategy and help their businesses survive in the fast-paced digital economy.

That is where loyalty marketing comes in.

What is loyalty marketing?

As a strategy, loyalty marketing encourages customers to do repeat business with you, instead of churning at the first alternative presented to them. It encourages them to engage with your brand in various creative ways, and ultimately become brand ambassadors.

Customized loyalty programs produce several positive outcomes for businesses, most importantly:

  • Decreased customer acquisition cost;

  • Increased repeat sales rate;

  • Improved customer retention rate

It’s no wonder that marketers across various industries are reporting that loyalty programs are paying off in a big way. Consequently Forrester’s predictions on loyalty spend for 2021 come at no surprise:

"Spend on loyalty and retention marketing will increase by 30% in 2021 as CMOs assert control over the full customer lifecycle."

Knowing how to build a loyal customer base comes down to tackling the challenges e-commerce businesses face today through careful strategizing and the use of a strong loyalty program software.

Let's dive into the basics of creating and launching a successful loyalty marketing program.

1. Define your goals

Knowing which business objectives you wish to address is the first step towards creating a loyalty program that can transform your business into a customer-centric profit turbine.

This may be a joint effort between several teams: the sales team, the social media marketing team, the content marketing team so make sure you sit with all of them and establish the SMART goals they need to achieve in the following quarter.

These goals may look something like:

  • Increase Instagram followers base by 30% in quarter 1;
  • Increase repeat sales by 30% by the end of quarter 1;
  • Increase traffic by 15% to our latest guide on our blog by the end of quarter 1.

  • Generate 10 video testimonials for product X in the first 3 months of 2021;

  • Grow our referral rate by 25% in the first 3 months of 2021.

A well-structured loyalty program can help you achieve a lot of various business objectives; from driving brand awareness to increasing customer retention, so it’s imperative to define them concisely at the beginning of your journey to see maximum results.

Wondering which of your pressing business goals you can tackle with a loyalty program?

Here are some of them:

1. Customer Acquisition - the most obvious business goal is acquiring new customers.

Did you know that 69% of consumers will choose a retailer that offers a loyalty program so they can earn rewards?

It’s no surprise really; when faced with multiple options to choose from, people will always choose the one that is incentivizing them to do so.

Source: I Love Linen

Pro Tip: Create a great first shopping experience for prospective customers: offer an incentive to join your program and a reward for making their first order. People like feeling special, and you’ll capitalize on this feeling by building a long-lasting, fruitful relationship with them instead of focusing on the single sale.

2. Increase Customer Retention - in times of unprecedented competition and easy access to products and services it’s so easy to lose your customers to your first competitor. However, research shows that 78% of consumers will continue doing business with a brand that offers them loyalty program benefits.

Give your customers a reason to stay with you - a rich points and rewards program is a great way to achieve this. Offer your customers various ways to earn points which they can redeem for a reward at your store like a special discount coupon, a product you know they love and adore, free shipping coupon and much more. This shows your customers that you care about them and are offering them an opportunity to earn with each interaction with your brand.

Pro tip: Guide your customers on their shopping journey at your store by sending them email notifications with their points balance and the next reward that is waiting for them down the road.

Source: ULTA Beauty

Make sure it’s a reward you know your customers will love!

Tailoring the reward offer to be relevant to your customers assures they’re 8 times more likely to get out of their way to use them.

3. Increase Revenue (customer lifetime value) - offering the right incentives at the right time allows you to encourage repeat purchases and boost the spending amount of your customers.

Through the deals and rewards you’re strategically offering, you’re effectively increasing the rate of repeat customers in your base. People earn something more with each purchase they make at your store.

Pro Tip: invest some effort into getting to know your customers: what is it they desire the most? Do they respond well to percentage off deals? Or maybe, a free product is more lucrative to your audience?

Once you have this information, strategize with it: what do you want your customers to do in order to reach this reward you’ll give them?

Spend X amount of money at your store?

Make Y number of purchases?

Or reach a specific amount of points and enter one of your tiers where you’d be offering this reward?

There are a lot of business goals you can address with your loyalty program and when you think about this first step always start with defining SMART goals, and then strategize the actions that customers need to take in order to help you achieve them.

Read on how to do this next.

2. Structure your program

Structuring your loyalty program consists of 2 steps:

  • defining the actions your customers should take to qualify for a reward and

  • defining the rewards you’ll offer them once they perform the desired action.

Before you start strategizing on which actions and rewards to choose, do some research into your customers and answer 2 questions:

  • Who are your customers?

  • What motivates them to buy from you?

When you have this information at hand, it’s easier to develop a strategy that ultimately helps you achieve the major loyalty objective: increase revenue at each customer interaction.

Let's tackle the 2 steps in detail.

1. Define the Action

This boils down to answering a simple question:

What should your customers do to help you reach your previously defined goals?

Source: The Dharma Door

It may sound very simple, but in order to choose the right actions, you first need to understand the role of the action in a loyalty program.

To be effective, the right action has to be mutually-beneficial and intentional - you have to purposefully choose which customer behavior will you reward.

This is because you’re trying to build true loyalty from your customers which doesn’t happen by only rewarding transactional actions, but also incentivizing many other non-transactional actions (like leaving you a review, following you on social media, reading a piece of content, downloading your app etc.).

This way you’re ensuring increased revenue over time and building solid brand loyalty.

To choose the right action to incentivize, you have to know who your customers are and where they are in their buying journey.

If they’re new customers who just joined your program, you want to make sure you incentivize an action that will be relevant to them, for example: reading a piece of educational content. This way, they will educate themselves on your product/service and make more informed decisions about it at their next buying stage.

Similarly, to customers who have made 10 purchases from you, you want to offer a different incentive that resonates with them at this stage of the buying process, for example: make 15 purchases to enter the Silver VIP tier in your program where you offer lifetime discounts of 25% on each order.

Also, a customer who has been with you for a very long time is an extremely valuable one whose loyalty you want to leverage; encourage them to leave you a review.

An e-commerce business has many customer touchpoints and with the data at hand, you can strategize on which action you wish them to take at each touchpoint in order to help you achieve your goals. Of course, each action they take has to be mutually beneficial, so let’s see how to choose the right reward to each action.

2. Define the reward for the action

When it comes down to choosing what reward to offer for the actions customers perform, it’s important to know 2 things:

  • What is valuable to your customers and motivates them to shop at your store;

  • How costly is that to you?

You may think that high-value rewards are always associated with high costs, but that isn’t the case. While you can always offer financial rewards such as percentage off or a fixed amount off, you can also experiment with alternative options for rewards, such as free shipping, a free product, exclusive access to early sales events, special rewards like tickets to a show etc.

There are many types of rewards you can choose to offer your customers, but you should always make sure you’re not offering too little or too much. Offering too little may undermine the confidence and respect your customers have for you, while too much may drain your budget even though it can quickly drive sales.

Bottom line when it comes to choosing a proper reward is to define what is valuable to your customers, and how can you choose a financially justified reward type.

3. Launch and Promote your Program

Now that your program is structured and you have defined the goals, actions and rewards it’s time to launch your program and most importantly to let your customers understand its value so they can engage in it.

You can always start a loyalty program manually.

However, this takes time, effort and an investment which may take some time to see a return from. Alternatively, you can choose a loyalty program software like Lootly, with which you can launch your program in a matter of minutes.

Source: Lootly

Once you launch your program, the next step is to promote it.

The goal of promoting your program is for your customers to understand its value so they can engage with it. You want this to be as flawless as possible because it’s crucial for the viability of your program.

There are few things you should consider doing to make your program easy to understand and enjoyable to use:

1. Brand it

Give your program a catchy name, something that sticks with people and is on brand at the same time.

This is important for several reasons:

  • it makes your program an entity of its own
  • It gives customers the feeling of belonging to a special group;
  • It is attractive to people, sparkling their curiosity and stimulating them to engage.

Source: The Nordy Club by Nordstrom

In addition to giving it a catchy name, you also want to give your program a house - a dedicated page on your e-store website where you can share all the information about your offer, all the cool actions customers can take and the awesome rewards they stand to win by performing them.

Source: Dharma Door

This further helps you to run targeted advertising campaigns and social media marketing.

2. Promotion

You can never do enough promotion of your loyalty program. Even when your program takes a life of its own, you still want to tell all those people you haven’t reached about the awesome customer relationships you foster with people who become your customers.

So, get creative!

  • Social media marketing - run targeted ads on social media to raise awareness about your program and incentivize prospects to join. Run targeted ads for your existing customers to promote special offers, holiday bonus points or promotional weekends. Direct new traffic to your rewards page where prospects can easily join your program with a single click.

Source: Sephora Facebook Ad

  • Targeted email marketing campaigns - one of the great benefits of implementing a loyalty program is that it generates invaluable data about your customers’ behavior and preferences, which you can use to create targeted email marketing campaigns. Send them a relevant offer and a logical next step in your program where they can earn more or gain a reward that’s super valuable to them.

And most importantly - be creative with imagery and design, stay on brand and communicate the value of your program in every email you sent to customers.

Final Thoughts

Implementing loyalty marketing strategy for your e-commerce business is no longer a "nice to have".

It’s essential for any e-commerce business that wishes to survive the ever-growing competition, unprecedented growth of acquisition costs and the increased disbelief in marketing and sales messages by their customers.

Build long-lasting customer relationships and leverage customer loyalty to fuel your business growth.


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