A Distributed Database Model For Grocery Stores

Author: Robert Smith

A distributed database is one in which multiple computers are loosely connected. All needed data to operate the business is located in the individual computers while new data is usually downloaded from a master computer during the night. Many types of businesses can benefit from having the data they need to operate available to them even when the network goes down. One type of business that can benefit from a DD model is a grocery store chain. Different stores are located in different areas and in multiple states. The information that each needs to operate daily is in the local database, including the prices and item numbers for every item they sell. The information that is downloaded into the computers might be the changing sale prices for the next sale. Since this information is sent ahead of time, the network will likely be up and running again before the unchanged prices become a problem.

In addition to the master database and the various individual grocery stores, the distribution center(s) will also be a part of the chain with a requirement for updated information. Others who might be included in the system are farms which provide local produce and manufacturers that supply all other products sold. It is easy to see that each member of the grocery store chain will use different information in the distributed database. While the distribution center might focus on routing the delivery truck to arrive with the items needed for the day, the farm might access the number of dairy products sold that need to be replaced with a new order,

A Distributed Database allows companies to update their own websites without interfering with the data kept on local computers. The DD model is a flexible, scalable model that lets businesses manage their data according to the needs of the business. Systems based on food require greater traceability in case of contamination that results in foodborne illness. Implementing a simple DD model would allow problem areas to be found quickly to reduce the impact of these illnesses and prevent them from spreading further. The system would allow the areas where products of concern have been sold to be narrowed down while only the potentially contaminate food would have to be removed. The records in the database would show which foods were shipped in, what was sold to the specific store at the time the contamination occurred.

The special needs of the particular business can be met with features that allow them to incorporate the distributed database into the business process that they follow. The DD model works for businesses that have multiple computers within one facility, several cities or at branches around the world. They improve workflow by improving reliability and availability that doesn’t change when the network goes down. In addition, valuable data is protected, even if a natural disaster strikes since all of the data is stored in multiple locations. Most importantly to many business, Most of all, the distributed database helps improve performance by providing each employee and partner with the data they need any time.