How to Achieve Green Card with Asylum Status
An asylee could be a person who has already made it to the U.S. border and is seeking protection as a result of ill-treatment or worry based on race, religion, status, membership in an exceedingly explicit group, or political opinion.
Immigration law permits asylees to use their status to gain lawful permanent resident (LPR) because they have been within the U.S. for a minimum of one year since being granted asylum.
This page provides specific info from top immigration lawyers in the USA, on how to proceed from asylum status into becoming a permanent resident in the U.S.
Eligibility for Adjustment of standing
To be eligible for identification as an asylee, you need to meet the subsequent requirements. By the law, you've to be physically present within the U.S territory for a minimum period of one year, from as at when you are granted an asylum;
Grounds of unacceptability
To qualify for a green card, you need to be admissible to the U.S. Reasons why you will be impermissible are listed within the INA 212(a) and are referred to as grounds of unacceptability.
While normally, USCIS will solely approve your identification application if none of the applicable grounds of unacceptability apply to you, bound grounds of unacceptability don't apply to asylum changes. See USCIS Policy Manual, Volume 7, Part M, Asylee Adjustment.
In addition, some grounds of unacceptability could also be waived for asylees applying for Adjustment of standing. See kind I-602, Application by exile for relinquishment of Grounds of Excludability. Finally, if a relinquishment or different relief style is granted, USCIS could approve your application for identification if you're otherwise eligible.
Whether a relinquishment or different relief style is accessible depends on the particular unacceptability ground that applies to you and, therefore, the class you're adjusting below. Likewise, eligibility needs for waivers and different types of relief vary.
Family Members
If you were granted spinoff asylum standing to support your married or parent's principal asylum grant, you would apply for an identification.
To be eligible for asylum-based Adjustment as a spinoff soul, you need to meet the subsequent requirement. This means you should be present within the U.S for a minimum of one year since you were granted asylum as however, your grant of asylum has not been terminated;
How to Apply
If you're an asylee and you've been in the country for a minimum of one year. As an asylum, you will apply to become an LPR by filing form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence, or standing change.
What to Submit (Principal Applicant
The most important thing is the proof that you are an asylum, using a valid identity card. After that, other personal documents can follow, like a birth certificate, passport e.t.c.
The process of obtaining a green card is very simple. Top immigration lawyers in the USA can agree that this is one of the simplest ways to obtain a U.S permanent resident. All you need to do is to provide the appropriate documents and ensure you have been present in the country within a year.