Planning to be a Polyhouse Manufacturer in India? Here’s what all you should know

Author: Rise Hydroponics

The Indian agriculture has witnessed drastic developments over the years, discovering new ways of farming systems that tackle the challenges the traditional farming faces. Of the novel methods, Polyhouse agriculture is the most recent trend where the farming is not affected by the season or climate. When it comes to polyhouse agriculture, best results are obtained while incorporating the Hydroponic setup within a polyhouse. This takes maximum advantage of space and water provided and offers best quality comparatively.

The micro climate is alterable within the polyhouse which makes it apt to grow crops in all seasons and this characteristic has caused widespread acceptance of the technology among the grower population. The polyhouse hydroponic farming has gained great growth over the years, making it a potential business.

Offered benefits of polyhouse farming for the polyhouse manufacturers
  • Improved production and quality of crops

Polyhouse farming offers increased production and better quality of crops. Also, the crops reach the stage of harvesting early as that in case of traditional farming. This means, more than one cycle of crops can be cultivated in polyhouse hydroponic farming than that of traditional farming.

This aspect is very advantageous in business where it fetches more returns and could even ask for premium rates highlighting residue free characteristics of the products. The greater returns completely justify the higher investments in polyhouse farming.

  • Minimal damages and waste

Polyhouse and hydroponic farming systems are known for their sustainable nature, it minimizes the damage and wastage of resources. It carries out careful monitoring and frequent supervision of crops by experts, which ensures minimum loss of the crops. Hydroponic set up avoids soil, which in turn assures the elimination of occurrence of soil-borne pathogens and pests.

  • Cost-effectiveness

If one is looking for a good Return over the Investment, then polyhouse hydroponic farming serves the best. Even though the initial investment seems high, the benefits and returns are remarkable. This is the reason why the country is in high demand for polyhouse manufacturers and hydroponic systems.

  • Convenient farming method

Polyhouse farming is known for its easy and convenient methods of production. It does not ask for any extra efforts, all the factors or aspects are controllable in such farming systems. The microclimate, and other factors like water availability, pH, humidity, nutrients and light intensity and duration can be altered as and when required. The system can also ensure off-season, year round crop production. Crop production is no longer a climate-dependant business.

  • All-season farming

As mentioned above, polyhouse farming enables year-round, all-season cultivation of crops in controlled structures where all the growing conditions for the crops are maintained at optimum, affirming proper growth and development of the crop. Such factors influence the quality and quantity of the harvests. Produce harvested from polyhouses are known for sticking to the standards, thereby providing quality products to the market. The seasonal availability of crops is no longer the thing, crops are offered at the markets throughout the year, covering all the seasons.

  • Environment Friendly

Polyhouse farming coupled with hydroponic farming prevents various forms of pollution, avoids soil, water and air degradation. The continuous and heavy use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides are known to degrade the natural resources. This has also led to the occurrence of other serious phenomena like eutrophication and biomagnification. The idea of polyhouse hydroponic farming on the other hand is known for its environment-friendly characteristics, it utilizes no soil for cultivation, avoids the use of chemical pesticides and insecticides, makes maximum use of irrigation water and maintains maximum water use efficiency. The system is known to be "more than organic" and hence is considered to be the most sustainable method of cultivation.

The system guarantees a complete success if it is constructed correctly, when all the factors fall into their correct places for its effectiveness and development. For this, one needs to have a clear understanding of all possible resources, processes, inputs and possible outputs. The knowledge of the crops and their peculiarities also helps in better decision making processes. Polyhouse farming can be perceived as the future of Indian Agriculture and polyhouse manufacturing as a potential business.