How Websites Play A Vital Role in Guiding the Consumer Journey?

Author: Jatin Batra

According to a survey report, about 45.9% of businesses prioritize customer journey and experience over product and pricing. It clearly shows the important role it plays in lead conversion and revenue generation. Consequently, one has to keep this aspect in mind at the time of web design and development.

It will help them improve their website’s performance and thereby the customer journey. Now, if you are puzzled about what we are referring to as the customer journey, read on further.

What Is a Customer Journey?

When we say customer journey, we don’t only mean the purchase experience but the overall experience that a customer experiences when they come in contact with a brand. The customer journey begins when a user comes to know about a brand and then goes through multiple stages like navigating through a website, checking out products, purchasing them and the checkout process, etc.

Now that you are familiar with the term, let’s look at the pointers on how websites and web design and development are important contributions in their journey.

How Websites Affect User Journey?

  1. 1. Getting started

The prospective customers might reach your site through several different channels like - social media, search engines, local listing, word of mouth, etc. No matter what, it is ultimately your website that they visit and explore. Since it is the sole online asset you can optimize to retain those consumers, you need to pay special attention to doing so. Make sure -

  • To add engaging content to your website.

  • Address the pain point of your customers and give them a reason to explore your site further.

  • Include powerful CTA (Call to action) links and buttons to help them get to know your brand better. For instance, you can ask them to sign up for a newsletter, create a profile, or join a loyalty program, etc.

  • As someone who just visited your website, you wouldn’t want to scare them away. Make sure to not overburden consumers at this point while still keeping an enticing user experience design.

    2. Strengthen trust and try

The next step in your web design and development journey is to earn consumers’ trust and then enticing them to try your brand. To achieve this -

  • Show client feedback and testimonials on your landing pages.

  • Ensure the user experience design of your website is apt so users feel at ease to navigate through the website.

  • Make sure you add a variety of well-researched and perfectly curated content (Blogs, videos, podcasts, webinars, etc.) to improve your brand’s credibility.

  • Make sure to include a powerful CTA at the end to convert those into buyers.

In case you struggle with any of these processes, seek help from a professional web development company.

3. Purchase journey

Making up your mind to purchase and actually purchasing a product are two poles apart situations. Most people end up abandoning the products in the cart just because the user experience design hasn’t lived up to their expectations. To ensure consumers take the deciding step, you need to -

  • The most important step in web design and development is to provide your customers with a smooth checkout experience. Create a simple and easy to check out module along with a secure payment gateway to go. A web development company might be your best shot in this respect.

  • Introduce your customers with multiple payment options on your website so they don’t abandon your site because of this.

  • Ensure minimal clicks during the checkout process.

  • The user experience design for your website’s cart should be apt.

  • Ask consumers to sign up only if they need to. It can help them with the purchase decision significantly.

Since taking care of these concerns will significantly impact the customer journey, these are a few must-have website development requirements for your brand.

4. Keep them coming back

In case you are wondering that the customer journey is complete once they have ordered a purchase, you might be missing out on more. Rather, you should focus on prospects of converting the new buyer into a loyal customer who will keep coming back to you and may bring more consumers. You might receive help from a leading web development company for this job.

In any case, you need to focus on -

  • Assist users with post-purchase activities like tracking of order shipment, return and exchange policies, customer support, etc.

  • You can use technologies like AI in web design and development to introduce your customers to similar products they are interested in.

  • Encourage them to join a loyalty program or refer more friends to earn reward points, etc.

Your job isn’t finished even when you have converted one into a loyal customer. You need to keep your website updated and fully functional all the time. In this aspect, a renowned web development company might be your aid. Auxesis Infotech is such a name for you. It helps customers with unmatched quality development and design solutions.