What is Zamzam Water? - Brief History & Miraculous Benefits

Author: Salman Ali

What is Zamzam Water? - Brief History & Miraculous Benefits

Zamzam water refers to the water of the holy well of zamzam, which is located within the most holy mosques of the world, the Al-Haram mosque. It is situated in the holy land of Mecca, close to the holy Kaaba or the house of God. The benefits of zamzam water are well-known to the Muslims as well as to the people of different faiths around the world. The holy water is known to have miraculous properties owing to its unique composition that has been tested by scientists over and over again.

The Origin & History of Zamzam Water

Prophets Journey to Mecca: The well of zamzam originated millennia ago. The story of its origin dates back to the times of prophet Ibrahim (PBUH) and the time when he left his wife and young son in the arid desert of Mecca. According to Muslim tradition, prophet Ibrahim was instructed by Allah to move towards Mecca with his wife, Bibi Hajar and son Ismael. As per the instructions, he left his home with his wife and son and started moving towards Mecca, and left both of them midway with little food and water.

Bibi Hajar’s struggle: After a few days, they started running out of the supplies. When Ismael started to feel thirsty, Bibi Hajar started looking for water for her infant son. In scorching heat, she went around the dry valley to find some water and food. While searching, she happened to go up and down the hills of Safa and Marwa, which are now a part of the holy pilgrimage in Mecca.

Finding water: Disappointed at not being able to find water for her son, Hajar started walking back towards Ismael. As she approached the point where she had left Ismael, she noticed him scraping the earth with his feet, from where water started to come out. The young Ismael drank and quenched his thirst with this holy water.

Building the well: After Ismael drank the water, it is believed that Bibi Hajar then built a well around the water source, which later became known as the Zamzam well. According to Islamic tradition, after a few years, Prophet Ibrahim rebuilt the Kabbah of Kaaba - the house of God near the Zamzam well. The holy Kaaba is where the believers of Allah visit and offer their prayers during the pilgrimages of Hajj and Umrah.

Legends:The history of Zamzam water has many versions but the focal point of all these legends is that it is an important religious site in Islam. A different version of the same story narrates that it was Angel Jibreel, Allah’s messenger, who kicked the ground with his wing (or in some versions, his heel) causing the water to spring out of the desert. Another famous Islamic tradition mentions that prophet Muhammad heart was washed with zamzam water, which filled it with faith and wisdom, and then restored back to his body.

Modern History of Zamzam Well

Over the years, the structure of Zamzam well has undergone many changes. In 815 AH, the Judge of Makkah restored the dome of the well. Then, during the reign of Sultan Al-Ashraf Sayf ad-Din Qaitbay it underwent a major restoration. This was in the year 884 AH. Under the rule of the Ottomans, it was again repaired and restored. Then in 1083 AH the dome of Zamam was repaired. Henceforth, many restoration efforts and structural changes were made to the holy well, and keep it in good condition.

As of today, the well of Zamzam is located within the premises of masjid Al haram in Mecca and is controlled by the kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The well is now confined in the basement and is protected with glass panels that prevent pilgrims from approaching the well. Pilgrims are allowed to pay their respects at the entrance of the well and have access to its water for the purpose of drinking. The holy water is made available to the pilgrims at masjid Al-haram through fountains and dispensing containers. It is also available in packaged bottles so that the pilgrims can take it back home for their family and friends. Those who drink and take it with them, often share the rich religious history of Zamzam water with young ones in the family.

The Structure of the Zamzam Well

Structure of the well: Geographically, the well is located in the valley of Ibrahim. It is about 100 feet deep and upto 8 feet 9 inches in diameter. The point of its minimum width is also 3 feet and 7 inches in diameter. The source of water to this well is the rainfall water that is absorbed by the ground of Wadi Ibrahim. The upper half of the well is made of sand and is lined with stones, collared with concrete on the top. The lower half of the Zamzam well is located deep into the bedrock. Between the sand deposit and the bedrock is a half-metre permeable rock structure that acts as the entry point for water in the zamzam well.

The Benefits of Zamzam Water

Composition Monitoring: The water of the Zamzam well is colourless and odourless however it does have a distinct taste, which is slightly alkaline. The technical properties and composition of the water in the Zamzam well are analysed by the Zamzam Studies and Research Centre, which is governed by the department of Saudi Geological Survey. They have a digital monitoring system that it keeps track of various parameters that determine the quality of the holy water of Zamzam. Some of these parameters are: the water level, the pH level, the temperature of the water and its electric conductivity. The water has a high concentration of calcium and magnesium. It also has high levels of fluoride which make it antibacterial.

Religious Significance: Muslims who have tasted the water tell that it not only quenches thirst but also satiates hunger. They also believe that the benefits of Zamzam water go much beyond the scientific properties. It is believed to cleanse one’s body and soul and possess healing properties as well. The water of Zamzam is believed to have properties that are beneficial for the human body. In Islam, it is believed that the water has miraculous properties.

Ibn Abbas reported, The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) said, "The best water on the face of the earth is Zamzam water. In it is food for nourishment and healing for illness."

Source: al-Mu’jam al-Kabi?r 11011

Ibn Abbas reported that Prophet Muhammad once said: "The water of Zamzam is good for whatever one intends (while drinking it). If you drink it seeking health, Allah will give you healing. If you drink it to satisfy your hunger, Allah will satisfy your hunger. If you drink it to quench your thirst, Allah will quench your thirst. Zamzam is a well dug by the angel Jibreel by which Allah quenched the thirst of Ismail."

The history of Zamzam water is testimony to its religious significance. The fact that it also finds mention in popular Hadiths makes it an important part of the history of Islam.