Tips To Go Green At Home

Author: Dynamix Group

Go green was a slogan that people followed outside the home for several years. Be it a "go green" Diwali or using biodegradable carry bags. But at present, there is a need for sustainability in anything and everything. The pandemic has locked most of us inside our homes, and homes became our office. Now that we spend our whole day in-home, we must keep our homes as green as possible. To go eco-friendly in the little things we do inside our homes makes a notable impact on our environment. Many go-green activities are there, which is fun and effective.

Planting a Garden:

Gardening is a great hobby. It is beneficial in many ways. You can start by planting one plant and make it bigger eventually. Many types of gardening can be done in home. You can have plants in pots, have a small garden in your back yard, do roof-top gardening, or wall gardening. The channels are many, all you have to do is to be ready to spend time and give care to your plants.

Gardening reduces stress and fills the home with fresh oxygen. You can also grow your vegetables and fruits with gardening.

Replacing Plastics Objects:

Plastic has become an unavoidable aspect of modern-day homes. From furniture to cutlery, every object is made of plastic. You can always make an effort to buy "go-green" products for your home. This way you can make your home more eco-friendly and sustainable. Trade-in wooden furniture for plastic chairs. Try to carry cloth bags to buy groceries, fruits, and vegetables instead of depending on a plastic carrier bag from the shop. Switch to clay cups in place of plastic drinkware. Use steel bottles instead of plastic bottles. Have a habit of disposing of plastic items into reusable trash, by which, plastic production will be reduced.

Energy Optimisation:

Try to use less electric energy as this source is not a sustainable resource but we are completely dependent on it for our home appliances to run. You can also switch to solar energy by installing solar panels on your roof, saving solar energy, and using them for your electric appliances. For appliances that run on batteries, use rechargeable batteries as you can use them more times and the waste will be way less compared to using one-time batteries. Use bulbs and lights that run on low voltage which will save you electricity and at the same time reduces your current bill.

Following The 3 Rs:

The three Rs stand for Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. There have been many campaigns on this every environmental day and earth day but was always in public places and not inside our homes. The three Rs demands an effort but is worth it. Stop buying unwanted goods, it can be anything, from an extra packet of chips to a piece of furniture which is completely unwanted. Invest in products that can be used more than just one time, also take a look at your trash, and look what can be done out of the trash.

In Your City:

Many housing projects in Mumbai are taking serious steps to go green in their ventures. There are specific properties in Goregaon and in other parts of Mumbai that are built with go green ideas for home. Since sustainability and being environmentally friendly is the present luxury and need of the hour.

Following the simple steps that are above mentioned can make your house more eco-friendly. If you are planning to buy a property, take a look at the green aspects the builder is offering. Since a home is not something you buy often, keep it sustainable to the maximum.