2 web marketing tips to succeed in your digital strategy

Author: George Cht

Do you feel like you are lagging behind the competition and need digital and marketing strategy advice to beat your competition? As a small business owner, this is easy to feel. After all, you're not a large company that can afford to hire an army of digital marketers to keep up with the latest advice on digital strategies. But that doesn't mean you can't become a digital marketer. Your weapons are your knowledge.

After reading this article, you will be able to collect your weapons and beat your competition! There are many internet marketing tips and digital strategies that can lead you to success. But most of your competitors either don't know or apply them. This article will cover the most popular digital marketing tips. But only if you know why, how, and when to use them.

But first, let's talk about an innovative way of thinking that many small business owners have. Actionable digital marketing tips for your business

1. All together at the same time

It's a mistake many new entrepreneurs make: trying to do it all at once with little prior experience. You have set up 10 social media accounts. You set up a PPC campaign. You've set a rigorous blogging schedule on a topic you haven't researched thoroughly yet. And the worst part is, you've never used more than half of these social media platforms before!

Does this sound familiar to you? If so, then stop. The worst mistake a business owner can make is trying to manage too many new social media accounts simultaneously. We will get to this error in the next section. But for now, the lesson we want you to understand is: less is more. When you are starting out, focus and consistency should be your main goals. Goal: If you try to run multiple campaigns at the same time, you'll not only be totally overwhelmed, but you'll also have a hard time figuring out which marketing campaigns have been successful. Consistency: this will be the key to getting your business off the ground.

Being consistent on social media will build you a loyal following. Being consistent in your blogs will allow you to build customer loyalty and turn cold new prospects into new buyers. Being consistent in search engine optimization (SEO) means you'll save money in the long run instead of relying too much on paid advertising. Too many small business owners try to do it all at once and fall flat on their stomachs. But you don't have to be one of them. By following these digital marketing tips, you will already be one step ahead of the game.

2. Find your place in social networks

Most small business owners know they need to use social media. After all, social media is not going anywhere. In 2019, 70% of French people had a profile on social networks! But as we mentioned in the last section, too many entrepreneurs take this message too seriously and try to go from being invisible to being ubiquitous in the digital world. For most brands, this is the recipe for failure in digital strategy. As a new small business owner, your goal should be to find your place on social media.

This means that at first, you should only focus on a few social media platforms that you already feel comfortable with. Now, after you've been on these platforms for a while, notice how many interactions you get. For example, if Instagram isn't giving you any engagement, move on and focus on the platform that looks the most promising to you! The goal here is to find the social media platforms that offer you the highest level of interactions (likes, shares, and comments).

And the lesson to be learned is: don't waste your time on a social media platform if your audience just isn't there! Research the bulk of your audience and post it regularly on these platforms to build social media loyalty. #Tips you can program your stations in advance simply with a great tool one of the cheapest on the market with a generous free part.