Three Reasons For Getting A Letter Of Recommendation

Author: Sunaina Naina

Letter of recommendation serves as an endorsement to your resume. To find out if a letter of recommendation is required, carefully read the job or programme application instructions. Letters of recommendation may not be required in many cases. Providing them, though, may help you stand out from the crowd. Employers can learn what others liked about working with you or engaging with you through letters of recommendation, as well as any accomplishments that jump out to them.

You may have to produce two or three recommendation letters at the time of applying for higher studies. It’s always advised to get your best LOR from someone who knows you well, for instance, the head of the department. Why does a letter of recommendation matter so much? There are three reasons.

It helps reveal the true you

Test scores and grades are not the only decisive factor that colleges take into consideration while admitting a student to their programs. They want applicants with good character and personality. A LOR from HOD reveals these aspects.

It reveals the opinion that your formatters have about you

When you produce two or three best LOR from faculties who know you well, the admission committee gets to see their opinions about you and be able to determine what type of a person you are.

It provides people who can speak on your behalf

When you apply to a college for admission, the faculties there don’t have any clue about you. Someone who knows you and whom the admission committee can trust should introduce you to them. When you produce a LOR from HOD, they have details of people who can speak on behalf of you, in case of a need.

When do I need to collect my LOR?

It’s good to collect you're completed and stamped LOR at least one month ahead of the submission date. Make sure that you go through the LOR and verify that it doesn’t contain any errors. You also need to ensure that your LOR matches your resume and statement of purpose.

Reading the application form of the desired college you are applying to is important before you ask any specific faculty at your former college for a letter of recommendation. Sometimes colleges specify from whom you should collect your LOR.