Why You Should Go With Organic Bug Spray
It’s no secret, there are some massive benefits to using organic products, but is the price of organic bug spray worth worth paying? The short answer is yes, and there are plenty of reasons why!
Many products that are out there today only focus on the cheapest solution to a problem. In the case of bug spray, chemicals are the easiest way to repel insects at a low cost, but this could come with some side effects. Chemicals that are popularly used in bug repellents, like DEET (diethyl-m-toluamide), are generally safe but may cause skin irritation and other side effects. While researchers debate the risks of chemical-packed bug sprays, we’ll stick with our natural products.
They Smell Better
You know the smell, it’s lingered every summer for as long as you can remember. If you are like most, the odor of traditional bug sprays is unappealing, and maybe even a deterrent from being outdoors but organic bug repellent offers a fix. Naturally produced bug sprays, like Butterbean Organics, use fragrant botanical products that offer a much more pleasant smell. Would you have guessed that lavender, cedarwood, citronella, and peppermint oil would smell better than ingredients you can’t pronounce?
Gentle on Sensitive Skin
A result of being an organic bug spray is that they are safe for sensitive skin, making these products perfect for someone who has broken out or had irritation from other repellents. Not only are these products safer, but some of them even nourish while they protect. Due to the use of essential oils, such as neem, peppermint, citronella, and lavender, you are naturally protected without having to expose yourself to inorganic chemicals. Ask your doctor about using any kind if bug spray or insect repellent on children under 6 months.
Use On The Whole Family
Because organic bug spray lack all of the questionable chemicals found in other products, children as young as 6 months can receive skin protection without worry. Natural ingredients let you know exactly what you are applying to your family, and feel confident in everything on the label. When it comes to the health of your skin, organic makes a world of difference.