Pay attention to recovery phases when building muscle
Recovery phases? What is that good for, I want to power! For everyone who supports this statement, a brief remark: recovery phases are part of building muscle like butter is part of bread! Because without recovery phases, the muscle cannot grow.
Why it is like that? Because the body needs time to repair stressed muscle cells and create new ones! Therefore, for the effectiveness of muscle building, the individual training units and the recovery phases must generally be in a healthy relationship to one another!
Beginners do not allow themselves enough relaxation
Beginners in particular often make the mistake of not giving their body enough time to develop new muscle cells, and so one training session after the other without a break.
In such a case, the desired result is unfortunately very long in coming and it can also happen that the body is over-exercised too much without rest breaks, which often leads to sudden exhaustion.
This makes the athlete feel burned out and tired and, in the worst case, can completely lose the motivation for targeted muscle building.
What is the ideal balance between training and recovery?
Above all, the muscle group that is to be trained plays an important role here, because the relationship between recovery breaks and training units is also designed according to the shape and structure of the muscles.
When training smaller muscles, such as the biceps or triceps, recovery periods of around 48 hours should be planned between training sessions. The professionals also often recommend exercising small muscle groups a maximum of two to three times a week.
For larger muscles, such as those found on the thighs and shoulders, the experts recommend recovery periods of up to 72 hours. One training session per week is therefore advisable for these muscles.
Overtraining is avoided through recovery
The experts and medical professionals often speak of overtraining the muscles, which can lead to various symptoms, such as the already mentioned exhaustion and tiredness.
According to the professionals, other clear and frequent signs of overtraining are sleep disorders, loss of appetite and joint problems. If such signs of overtraining occur, a compulsory break must be observed until the symptoms subside and which must last at least two weeks.
In order to avoid this loss of time and the health risk that is undoubtedly associated with overtraining, it is of course generally better to interrupt the training units with short recovery intervals.