Performance Evaluation: 5 biases overthrown with the help of performance management software

Author: Amit Kumar

Performance evaluation plays an important role for every organization. It motivates the employees to invest more efforts towards ascending the productivity curve of the organization. Humans are prone to error. There are a few such biases that can be observed in performance evaluation which are inevitable. Performance management software is designed to diminish such elements and made performance evaluation much easier.

Let’s discuss few such biases that has been overthrown with the help of performance management software:

Comparison of performance

It has been observed that superiors tend to compare performance of two employees. Irrespective of the fact that each employee has a different set of KRAs and targets. Each employee is different, having a common parameter to mark employees performance is unfair. Performance management software categorically segregates the skills and prepares an automated performance report solely based on the key area of responsibility marking an unbiased transparent report.

KPI based on one skill

An employee excellently rated because they excel in one of the skills. Such performance reports are mostly seen with the employees working in the sales field. The sales employee focuses on achieving goals which embarks the mark of success. Unfortunately the behavioural aspect of the employees are ignored. The behind the scene picture explains the havoc created due to work pressure which needs to be measured. Web based application is designed to create a parameter that marks the evaluation of each aspect drawing an overall performance report. It plays an imperative role as measuring an employees potential based on skill set can divert the admin team from the correct decision related to promotions.

Low score

On the flip side, employees are marked on the basis of one skill which they fail to achieve. Each employee is different. For instance, an employee who works for marketing, he/she excels in almost all the skills but fails in one skill. Reporting poor performance because of one failed skill is unjust with the employee. Web based applications are designed in such a way that it manages to highlight the potential of the employee. It assists the admin team to figure out the skill he/she excels in and utilize the skill for the betterment of the organization.

Leverage due to increased workload

Managers are entitled to scale the performance of their team. It is an arduous job to keep track of each and every employees’ performance and make a report. They often tend to just mark on a common grade depending on the overall performance of the team. This overshadows the excelling performers on an average scale. Performance management software decreases the workload of the employee and highlights each individual's performance giving the deserved credit to the employee for the efforts invested in maintaining the productivity curve of the team.

Recent events influencing reviews

It is always observed that the employee’s recent behaviour reflects the performance report. It helps the poor performer to rise above the average performer status, but adversely affects the excellent performer, if he/she makes a mistake it weighs down the entire performance report.

A fair way to scale an employee’s performance would be to measure the overall achievement throughout the session. The application marks the employee on the basis of each indicator of the KRA. it frames an unbiased report based on the achievements and hurdles of the defined time period.

These are a few of the biases that cannot be avoided if managened manually. These applications are designed to evaluate the employee with 360 degree feedback for each employee. A transparent platform where the employee can keep a track of his/her own performance enhances employee experience. An unbiased performance report to reward for the efforts and achievments.