What Are The Different Types Of Migraines?

Author: Online Pharmacy

When we hear about the term "migraine", we often think of it as a severe headache. What we are not aware of is that migraine is a neurological disease and that migraine has a lot of subtypes.

Let us look at each subtype of migraine in detail below as explained by the online chemists UK -

Cervicogenic Migraine -

When severe pain in your neck gives you a throbbing headache, you suffer from cervicogenic migraine. This pain usually comes from your neck or a lesion on your spine. This is often confused with the pain in the back of your head. This type of migraine commonly requires physical therapy and some additional over the counter medications that you can easily get from pharmacies online.

Cluster Migraine -

Cluster Migraines are the worst! It is one of the most severe migraines that one can experience. With cluster headaches, you start feeling a burning pain above and around your eyes, your temples, and the back of your head. You see your eyes getting red and swollen. There is a runny nose and several other symptoms. Because this type of pain occurs in a large area and provokes other symptoms, they can be the most irritating type of migraines. Another term for Cluster Migraine is suicide headache. You can consult with your doctor for proper treatment and get your medications from a trusted chemist online.

Ice Pick Migraine -

This type of migraine is pretty self-explanatory. When you suffer from this type of migraine, you feel like you are getting stabbed in the head with an ice pick. It comes suddenly and delivers an intense sharp pain in the back of your head. And, last for a relatively shorter period - i.e. 5 to 30 seconds.

You will experience a pain in your orbit, temple, and parietal area of the head, where the trigeminal nerve is. The trigeminal nerve in the face is responsible for biting and chewing and also face sensation. This nerve is located on the side of your head, just past your eye and above the ear. If you experience a sharp pain in this area that means you are getting an ice pick migraine.

Chronic Migraine -

If your headache lasts for more than 15 days, you may probably be suffering from chronic migraines. A lot of times, it might feel like a typical migraine. But there may be variations in the symptoms you face, their severity, and the pain you feel on day to day basis. Some days, you may mistake it for a "tension headache" or sinus, if you experience less pain. A lot of patients with chronic migraines use acute headache relief medicines on more than 10 to 15 days per month. If you are one of them, stop right away! This will lead to even more headaches.

Retinal Migraine -

If you suffer from headaches and experience temporary vision loss in any one eye, then that is Retinal Migraine. This type of migraine is experienced by most women during their childbearing years. The blindness can last from a minute to even months but is fully reversible. It is a specific type of aura (a series of sensory and visual changes that ranges from seeing black dots and zig zags to tingling numbness on one side of the body, or an inability to speak clearly) that is accompanied by the migraine and it is a condition we have a very little information about. What we are aware of is that retinal migraine can be a sign of a more serious issue. Those who experience retinal migraines must see a specialist and get the required treatment and medication.

Hemiplegic Migraine -

A Hemiplegic Migraine often feels more like a stroke. People who experience hemiplegic migraines often develop weakness on one side of their body. They get visual aura symptoms and pins and needles kind of poky sensation. Sometimes, there is even a loss of sensation on one side of the body, like complete numbness. This can last for as little as a few hours to even several days. In some cases, Hemiplegic Migraines don’t always include severe head pain.

Migraine without Head Pain -

Wait, this sounds weird! But, it exists. Also known as an Acephalgic Migraine or a silent migraine, this type of migraine can be alarming! You can experience dizziness, visual disturbances, nausea, and also other phases of migraine - but there will not be any headache. It can be triggered by any regular triggers and those experiencing this type of migraine may suffer from other types of migraine as well. This is like a typical aura without any head pain.

Migraine without Aura (also known as Common Migraine) -

Diagnosing a migraine without an aura is difficult. This is because the symptoms are similar to various other types of migraine. Throbbing pain or pulsing on one side of the head, phonophobia, photophobia, and any pain experienced after physical activity, nausea or vomiting, are the classic symptoms of migraine without aura. The major differentiator is that common migraines i.e. prodrome and aura lack warning phases, which other migraine types have.

Migraine with Aura (also known as Complicated Migraine) -

A quarter of people who suffer from migraines also experience aura. It sets in shortly before or even during the migraine. It can last from at least 10 to 30 minutes. Aura is the second stage of the four stages of migraine. Those who experience it will confirm that it is a warning sign that severe head pain is on the way.

To conclude -

Pointing out the causes of headaches is sometimes complicated. Because of several types of migraines, there are various treatments your doctor will advise. Focusing on where your head is hurting and what are the noticeable symptoms will help your doctor identify the type of migraine you suffer from. This will result in effective treatment and less painful days.

If you think that you are suffering from any such symptoms, you must contact your doctor right away so that your symptoms can be assessed properly. With proper medications prescribed by your health care consultant you can beat migraine. Contact Life Pharmacy the most trusted and reliable online chemist UK to order your prescription for migraine today.

Also, do not forget to check out our other article on proven ways to stop snoring naturally right here.