How to Keep Your Tiles Clean with Vodka
Well, I love drinking vodka, what about you?! It's a little harsh for the throat, but the effects are definitely something most people desire after a long day of work. It helps us relax and enjoy our free time a little differently. Unless we use too much of it, and then the fun turns into a very unpleasant experience. If you agree with me, then you probably will find interesting the fact, that you can use vodka not only for drinking, but for cleaning, as well. Turns out that the alcohol in the vodka is a very strong disinfectant, which can remove all kinds of stains, no matter how old and stubborn they are. But the latest research shows, that the vodka can be also used on various types of tiles, without the worry that it may damage the surface. And if you do not believe me, then I will prove this to you in the text below.
Cleaning with vodka is unusual, but this doesn't mean it is impossible. Well, just think about it, vodka just like other alcohols, contains spirit, which is often used for cleaning. So, there is some logic vodka to be used for cleaning, too. So, if you are interested in learning how to keep your tiles clean with vodka, then just read on to find out a few useful tips, given by one of the best professional tile cleaning companies. They are simple, but they will make sure your tiles are shiny and good looking for longer.
To get rid of unwanted stains around your home and tile surfaces, like those from liquids, oils and other similar substances, use vodka. Just damp a clean, soft cloth with a solution of vodka and water and start rubbing it into the stained area, until the unpleasant dirt comes off. This type of tile cleaning solution can be used on almost all kinds of artificial stone tiles, but it's not recommended for the natural stone tiles, because they have pores and once the vodka gets inside them, it will start to eat your tiles from the inside. After some time this will turn into an issue. You can also use a solution of 2 cups of water, a few drops of some dish-washing liquid and 1 oz. of vodka. Put all that into a spray bottle and you will be able to treat all the stains on your tiles separately.
According to cleaners around the Sydney area, vodka can be used as a very good bathroom cleaner too, since most of the surfaces in the bathroom are covered with tiles or other similar and durable materials. So, use this alcohol to make your bathroom mirrors and ceramic tiles shine, as well as to clean any chrome surfaces in the room. Just make a solution of 1 part vodka and 5 parts water into a clean and empty spray bottle, and then use it for your bathroom cleaning. This amazing cleaning solution is so strong, that it can also be used for some difficult tasks, like to remove hairspray and other sticky substances on your bathroom tiles.Vodka can be also used for cleaning different pieces of decorative glazed tiles. Just soak a clean cloth with vodka and use it to wipe the object clean. You can use the same cleaning approach to make your glass objects, such as eyeglasses and mirrors sparkle. The principle is the same, and the results are really long lasting and satisfying.
To get rid of residues of different types, just wipe the tiles clean with a cloth dampened with a solution of vodka and water. To make the application easier you can combine the ingredients into a clean spray bottle.