When Should I Hire Emergency Plumbing Service Providers?

Author: Becky Joseph

The majority of plumbing components will last for many years, but regular wear and tear will eventually take its toll. Almost every homeowner will face a plumbing problem at some point in their lives. Sometimes homeowners are unsure whether or not a plumbing issue is an emergency. You can usually wait until the normal business hours of plumber in Markham resume to have the issue fixed, if you can identify the problem and halt the flow of undesired water without shutting down your entire household's water supply.

When a plumber is required?

Every scenario is unique, but there are some broad criteria for distinguishing between a typical plumbing issue and a plumbing alternative. Any problem in plumbing that causes substantial damage or puts people in risk should be treated as an emergency. The following circumstances necessitate immediate action of an emergency plumber in Markham:

Water pipe burst

Water pipes can develop cracks whether they are constructed of plastic, copper, or steel. In a single day, a damaged pipe can spill up to 200 gallons of water, causing severe property damage. Shut off the main water supply and call for emergency plumbing services as soon as you notice a burst pipe. Turn off the electricity if you can safely do so.

Leaking pipe

According to research, leaking pipes waste up to 90 gallons of water each day in up to 10% of homes. Leaky pipes can cause costly property damage in addition to wasting water and increasing water bills. If left unattended, even a minor leak can turn into a disaster.

Broken water main

The water main is the pipe that connects your home's plumbing system to the public water supply. Any water main repairs from the curb to their property are the responsibility of the homeowner. If not detected and fixed promptly, broken water mains can cause significant damage to your home and property. Water lines can be prone to ground movement, freezing and thawing, mineral build-up as they age. Due to the underground nature of water mains, identifying a leak might take some time.

Clogs are not just a type of footwear

With a plunger, you might be able to clear a single sink clog. If you can't clear a clog or have clogs in many fixtures, there's most certainly a fundamental issue with the drain system. Clogs like this can lead to leaking pipes and significant property damage. Severe clogs frequently result in leaks, which can result in structural damage or even raw sewage backups. It's critical to find and eliminate clogs as soon as possible. Ignoring repeated clogs may result in damaged pipes that will need to be replaced entirely, resulting in increased costs.

Water pipes that have frozen

Even if you reside in a location where freezing temperatures are uncommon, protecting your pipes from freezing is essential. When water freezes in a pipe, the pipe expands. This growth might result in cracks, posing a flooding risk.

If you are looking for drain cleaning in Markham, you can contact Saving Plumbing.

The author of this article is an emergency plumber in Markham. In this article, he has mentioned a few situations that require emergency plumbing service. Visit https://savingplumbing.ca/.