Everything about Posterior Cruciate Ligament surgery
Everything about Posterior Cruciate Ligament surgery
Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) is a type of ligament that is present inside the knee and is responsible for connecting femur (thigh bone) to shin bone (tibia). When compared to Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) it is much stronger and bigger in size. It works as a stabilizer for the knee joint. The movements of tibia & femur are relative to each other and the resistance is built with the help of PCL to resist excessive posterior movements of tibia that will also impact femur. It also prevents excessive rotation which can damage other internal parts of the knee.
WHAT IS PCL TEAR & ITS CAUSES?PCL tears when your knee hit hard from the front causing damage to joints that are responsible to provide stability. It can happen when a person meet a motor vehicle accident or sports injury. This is a situation when the person falls on his/her bent knees with foot pointed down or hit his/her knee slams against the dashboards.
SYMPTOMS OF PCL INJURYExperiencing mild or moderate pain
Difficulty in walking
Knee swelling within hours of the injury
Feeling of joint instability
PCL reconstruction is performed anesthetically. This relaxes the muscles that surround the joints that have to be treated. Small four incisions are made around the injured part of the knee in order to place a tiny camera & surgical instruments to conduct the surgery. The camera captures live pictures of the internal injured areas and then it is displayed on a screen for a proper repair of the ligament.
HOW LONG WILL IT TAKE TO RECOVER?After the surgery, for recovery, rehabilitation is advised and is considered as a crucial to look after the effect of the surgery. It takes almost 6 weeks to get into rehabilitation. During this time, bit by bit weight bearing is done. Such slow progression is important since it allows the microfracture tissue to harden over time.
Recovery after a Posterior Cruciate Ligament injury can take up to three months where the patient might feel better with pain and swelling. After a due course of time, it is advised to be go under physiotherapy to get back on track.
Being expert hands in PCL treatment in Raipur, Dr. Suman Kumar Nag is highly qualified in the field of orthopedics. Contact us.