The Difference Between Hybrid, Native & Web Apps

Author: Vaatsalya Bellary

Hybrid Apps

To begin with, let us understand what are Hybrid Apps. Hybrid apps are basically web applications that have been placed in the shell of native applications. These apps are then downloaded from an application store such as Google Play Store or Apple’s Play Store and they are locally installed. The shell then connects to the mobile platforms which are provided by the browser which is therefore installed in the application.

Hybrid apps integrate the best aspects of both native and online programs. They are available for download from app stores and can be viewed using a web browser. Like web apps, they’re written in HTML5 and JavaScript. They’re mostly online pages wrapped in a mobile app that uses WebView. They do, however, have access to a device’s built-in features. Cross-platform frameworks such as React, Ionic, Sencha, and Xamarin are used to create them.

Hybrid apps have the advantage of being simpler and faster to design than native apps. They also necessitate less upkeep. The speed of your hybrid app, on the other hand, is fully dependent on the user’s browser. As a result, hybrid apps will nearly never perform as quickly as native programs.

Native Apps

On the other hand, Native Apps are applications that have been created especially for smartphones and tablets and are designed for a certain operating system, ie, Android or iOS. These applications too are downloaded from the Google Play Store or the App Store.

What brings about the difference between the two is the way these apps are built and that they are made for specific devices. The main benefit of choosing Native apps is that their speed is greater than Hybrid apps and are reliable too. The user experience is great too!

Native apps are built through an operating system’s SDKs, which also interact with the GPS, microphone, storage space, camera, and other features of the device. But coming to the disadvantages of Native apps, they require a bigger budget for the development. Their maintenance cost is high if you want to develop native apps for both Android and iOS devices as they obviously have different operating systems. And every time these apps need an upgrade, and additional expenditure needs to be made.

Web Apps

Coming to Web Applications, they are websites that are optimized for browsing through smartphones. They are mainly designed and built to be accessed through a web browser. These apps have the ability to run on multiple browsers like Safari, Chrome, or Firefox and they are coded in HTML and JavaScript.

These apps are just websites with interactive elements that give them a mobile app feel. The benefit is that these apps are frequently less expensive to produce.

Building a web app can be the most cost-effective alternative if you’re on a tight budget and don’t need complex functionality or access to operating system features. Web apps have the drawback of being slower, less intuitive, and unavailable through app stores.