Secure Yourself by Hiring the Right Executive Protection Officer

Author: Personal Protection

Setting up a security mechanism for your office building is critical for your staff and equipment safety. Installing locks, alarms, and video surveillance are all part of this mechanism. However, as a high-net-worth individual, you should also consider your own safety—and this is where a trained and licensed executive protection officer comes in.

Hiring the right executive protection officer can be tricky, though, as it involves interviewing, vetting, and preparing multiple agents trained at recognized executive protection schools. However, you must do it right, considering your life depends on it… literally.

Risk Assessment

First and foremost, you must determine whether you need the services of an executive protection officer. To do so, you must assess the risks you face as a high-net-worth individual.

Public Exposure

Pay attention to your daily routine at work and in your personal life. If you are always holding corporate seminars or speaking to community groups and are vocal about your political beliefs, especially if your name is often in the news, your personal safety, as well as the safety of your family, is at risk.

Financial Standing

Even if your wealth is entirely tied up and not very liquid, how the public perceives it is crucial here. People may wrongly assume you are a multimillionaire simply because you are a successful entrepreneur. If they think you are rich, you are at risk.

Corporate Climate

Is there a lot of tension in your office? Are your employees unhappy because they were recently laid off? Never underestimate the risk posed by a disgruntled employee.

Once you have determined that you need an executive protection officer, here's how to find the right person for the job.

Make discreet inquiries.

Discreetly ask other executives about the services they are using. Given that these people trust these executive protection services, this should help you narrow down your options.

Set up an interview.

Set up meetings or interviews with the recommended officers using your shortlist as a guide. The ideal executive security officer will be able to help you build proactive and preventative security strategies. As part of your screening, inquire about their clients. If an agent is too quick to name theirs, you should check this one off the list. A legit executive protection officer should not be so willing to divulge the names of their clients.

Consider your company culture.

The ideal executive protection officer should be able to blend in with your company's culture. This will be necessary whether you are hiring security for specific events or round-the-clock protection.

Qualities to look out for.

There are other factors to consider when determining whether an agent is a good fit. How do they present themselves in a business suit or smart casual outfit? Are they qualified in a protective driving course? Can they deal with medical emergencies? Are they physically fit and willing to work long, unpredictable hours?

The Last Word

Understanding the risks you are currently facing or may face in the future as a high-net-worth individual is critical to selecting the right executive protection officer for your safety. You need an officer who can protect you while blending in with the crowd and your surroundings, allowing you to effortlessly go about your daily life.