Rules For Hypertrophy (Muscle Growth) - Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer Review

Author: Cynthia Ackley

The most effective training for hypertrophy (muscle growth) is based on the recommended amount of sets and reps, and how long to rest between sets.

What is Hypertrophy?

The medical term ‘hypertrophy’ refers to the growth of an organ or parts due to the increase of its volume and/or number of cells. The term ‘muscle hypertrophy’ means the growth of muscle mass of the body or muscle groups.

As such, in most cases, muscle hypertrophy is the main goal of strength training and bodybuilding. This is somanabolic muscle maximizer review because without the growth of muscles, it is impossible to increase the strength and the volume of the muscles.Skeletal Muscle Cell

Types of Hypertrophy

There are two types of hypertrophy known as sarcomeric and sarcoplasmic. In the first type, the growth of muscles is due to the growth of muscle fibers (myofibrils more precisely) while the second type, muscles grow by increasing the fluid surrounding these fibers.

Musculature formed as a result of a type of hypertrophy. The sarcomeric muscle hypertrophy turns out to be molded and embossed while musculature sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is bulkier and less dry.

Sarcomeric Hypertrophy

If you make considerable weight lifting with low reps (2-6 times), worked muscle receives a signal which tells you to be stronger and bigger. In this case, muscle growth will increase fiber (myofibrils).

To achieve sarcomere hypertrophy, the load should be as heavy as possible; 80% of the maximum weight you can lift. The break between sets should be minimum of 90 seconds. This training requires constant increasing weight to be lifted as the muscles get used to it.

Sarcoplasmic Hypertrophy

Lifting medium weight with a number of relatively high times (8 to 12 times) requires muscles using a greater amount of energy which is in the sarcoplasm. It is for this reason that this type of training causes increased volume.

Working the muscles with lifting weights greater number of times (15 or more), causes sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, but it is done to a lesser extent. It is impossible to do many repetitions of an exercise maximum with weight lifting.

Types of Muscle Fibers

It is noteworthy that decreasing strength training with weight lifting has affect only in fast fibers of the muscles to make the work slow with muscle fibers, static exercises are needed, for example, hold the weight for several seconds.

Energy sources are fast fibers in form of glycogen and phosphocreatine. These reserves are scarce with just exercising a muscle for 10-12 seconds, after which it is necessary to recover for 30-90 seconds; this is the reason underlying the recommendation of rest between sets.

Muscle Growth Rules

It is obvious that the reserves of glycogen and phosphocreatine are exhaustible and the stronger the training, they will be consumed faster. In fact, the body of a novice, who is not used to strength training, has a smaller amount of deposits.

In most cases, training demands about 100-150 grams of carbohydrates and 3 to 5 grams of creatine. If you don’t consume this amount, it is impossible to have considerable growth in muscles, thus, minimizing hypertrophy mechanism.