Can we use renewable energy source as primary energy source

Author: Solution Buggy

More than one billion people lack access to electricity, while a further one billion have an unreliable supply. Improved reliability, rapidly falling technology costs and supportive policies have made stand-alone and mini-grid renewable electricity solutions viable for the 80% of those without access in rural areas or small developing island states. Non-renewable energy sources are again limited and contagious. so for that, we need to find some other strategies generate energy for our use.

Some renewable energy technologies are deployed in a distributed, modular fashion, making them less prone to large-scale failure. Energy production may be costly during its inception but it will reliable and eco-friendly which keep a safe climate and living beings.

Let's see how many ways we can generate energy:-

  1. Solar energy
  2. Wind energy
  3. Biofuel
  4. Hydropower
  5. Geothermal

Which sources we can reduce gradually which is not eco-friendly

  1. fossil fuel
  2. Nuclear Gas
  3. Natural Gas

There is huge scope in this industry to develop clean energy so the requirement of solar energy consultants can do that. We at solutionbuggy is helping industries to make a successful business around this opportunity and make available of solar energy for multipurpose use.

In India SolutionBuggy, one of the largest consulting platforms in the manufacturing sector on the race to help Indian Industries, especially MSMEs to transfer them to renewable sources.

We have 600+ different types of energy consultants like Solar consultant, wind energy consultants, biomass, and other consultants. Their expertise and years of experience in the practice field can help you to drive your procurement of energy source transformation or new plant setup.

One thing to consider is that power plants are one of the leading causes of acid rain. The acid in the air harms the ground and the environment in general. Fossil fuels pollute the air by releasing carbon dioxide and methane. These two greenhouse gases are much worse than acid rain, which is why it's important to find alternative sources of energy.

Another issue to consider is the effect of nuclear energy on the environment. A nuclear power plant releases the same amount of carbon dioxide as a traditional oil refinery. If more people start to use renewable energy, these problems could be reduced. There are many wind farms already in place and it seems that the technology is becoming more advanced each day.

The renewable energy limit expanded by 261 GW (+10.3%) in 2020. Solar energy-oriented kept increasing on driving the limit development, with an expansion of 127 GW (+22%), followed intently by wind energy with 111 GW (+18%). Hydropower limit expanded by 20 GW (+2%) and bioenergy by 2 GW (+2%). Geothermal energy expanded by 164 MW.

Sun-powered energy (solar energy) and wind energy kept on ruling inexhaustible limit extension, mutually representing 91% of all net sustainable augmentations in 2020. Alongside the reestablished development of hydropower, this uncommon development in wind and solar energy prompted the most elevated yearly expansion in sustainable creating limit at any point seen