Is an electric tankless water heater going to be give me enough hot water?

Author: Sol Ami Patria

For one reason or the other, USA continues to be one step behind the rest of the world when it comes to domestic hot water systems. While the other industrialized nations adopted instantantenous water heaters decades ago, Americans still shun this technology and fail to understand its advantages and the aspects of its proper application. This is partly to due to the general American inclination against sacrificing comfort for efficiency and partly a consequence of the abusive marketing tactics employed by shrewd companies that come up with low-quality products. However, the major factor behind the slow pace at which tankless water heaters enter the USA is the lack of insight about the right unit size required for providing ample hot water for a whole house.

Insufficient heating power as a result of improper water heater sizing is an issue we come across all too often in electric tankless water heaters. This is so because electric instant water heating systems can be rather small, opening the way for the thrifty customers that will get none but the smallest possible model. In fact, some of the point of use tankless water heaters that run on electric are hardly strong enough to heat the water for an ordinary kitchen faucet. Resorting to such inadequate units will never fulfill your expectations from tankless water heaters and will only work to give this technology a bad name.

Ensuring that your electric water heater is sufficient instant heating capacity for the entire household is far from being a problem if you know what exactly you are looking for. On-demand water heaters have a mere few seconds to get the tap water to heat upto 120 °F or more. Ample electric power is required for this task and the measure of power for an electric water heater is kilowatts. It is very easy to construct an intantenous water heater with a massive internal piping that allows for gallons of water flow every minute. Yet, without the sufficent kilowatts to provide the needed energy input to the flowing water, desired hot water temperatures are impossible to attain. Electric tankless water heater reviews should be consulted before making a purchase.