Why are Silver Earrings So Popular in India?

Author: Dm Jewels

The earrings have been a pride of Indian women since the dawn of Indian culture. In addition to being used as a fashion accessory, earrings have been used as a sign of status and wealth by ancient kings and queens of India. Since then, they have earned their reputation as the jewellery of the royalties. Different silver earring designs are not being used to symbolise different things for every individual.

Some people wear silver earrings for a fashion statement. These earrings are made lightweight but with an elegant design so that even the youngsters can walk with fashion. They may also be embellished with gemstones, pearls or even precious diamonds.

Silver jewellery like earrings are also worn by children but they may not be for fashion purposes. Silver has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties that help in keeping good health. It is also believed to maintain body temperature and assist with helping the symptoms of cold and flu. Pure 925 silver is also hypoallergenic so you can always flaunt this jewellery without worrying about rashes or such negative effects on your skin.

Silver Earrings as a Gifting Item

Since silver is considered one of the precious items in the world, it is also popularly used as a gifting item to friends, family and even neighbours. Silver earrings are one of the famously gifted items for newlyweds. It symbolises the blessings from the people as well as good wishes on the couple’s new journey of life. Silver earrings are also gifting on birthdays of the children, so they can also learn to see the benefits of wearing such items (may include fashion as well).

Choosing the right Silver Earring Design for You

With thousands of different silver earring designs in the market, it may sometimes get a bit overwhelming on which one to choose. The first and foremost thing to do is not to go with Fine silver (999) for delicate jewellery such as earrings. This 999 metal is very soft and may easily break or tarnish with constant use. The 925 or sterling silver is considered to be the best form of silver for jewellery. It is highly resistant to daily wear and tear, and even if this jewellery seems to be losing its shine, it can be repolished to regain its shimmer.

The occasion on which you’re going to wear these silver earrings is also important. If you wish to wear these to a wedding, then you may want to prefer to go with highly elaborated designs that have gemstones embedded in them. They are usually heavy in weight but since you’re only going to wear them for a few days, they can be fine.

For daily wear silver earrings or any other jewellery, a lightweight with a small stone (or without) is recommended. You can wear them all day without worrying about your skin. They will also stay comfortable throughout the day. Make sure you compliment the earrings with the colour of your dress so it may enhance your beauty.