Why does Security Testing need Test Automation Services?

Author: Siva Krishna

The speed at which enterprises across domains are going online by deploying software applications, the chances of security-related vulnerabilities being present in such applications have increased manifold. The rising incidences of cybercrime are a testament to software applications not being robust enough to meet the cybersecurity challenges of the day. According to statistics, the online world witnesses more than 100k malicious websites and 10,000 malicious files on a daily basis. Even Google has registered more than 2 million phishing sites as of January 2021 – a 27 percent increase compared to the previous year. Further, by 2025, cybercrime is likely to cost the world 10.5 trillion dollars annually.

These frightening statistics point to one thing, the need to shore up and strengthen the security of software applications by leveraging test automation services. In fact, enterprises should integrate application security tools into the SDLC to conduct continuous security testing. With this, enterprises can uncover system vulnerabilities at early stages and ensure the security of their data and resources from unauthorized access. As software applications become more complex and have interfaces with third-party resources, enterprise process automation in security testing needs to be prioritized. In fact, by implementing DevSecOps, enterprises can ensure the integration of security testing into the DevOps-driven CI/CD pipeline.

Benefits of software QA automation in security testing

By utilizing test automation services in security testing, enterprises can derive a range of benefits, as mentioned below:

  • Reduce human error as automated test suites can perform non-stop checking of software codes and identify hidden vulnerabilities.
  • Detect security-related errors or vulnerabilities early in the development cycle, thereby saving costs accruing from post-deployment fixing.
  • Scan reports from such security-based
automated QA testing can create a vulnerability triage for developers to address based on priority.

  • Repeat security checks to create a secure test environment and codebase. Testers can identify patterns when security testing is performed on a codebase iteratively.
  • Remove uncertainty from DevSecOps as automated scans can place remediation options for the team responsible during development.

Best practices for intelligent automation services to conduct security testing

Identify vulnerabilities in the code: Using vulnerability scanners, the application is broken down into units to check for vulnerabilities. It helps to identify unnoticed failure paths in the software code, which can be exploited by threat actors later. The failure paths could be in the form of inadequate security policies, poor authentication, or ineffective passwords. After executing the software test automation services, vulnerabilities are categorized based on their level of severity. Thereafter, security solutions are recommended in the form of upgrades or patches.

Integrate with DevOps: DevOps and its concept of continuous testing and delivery can be a success only if test automation services are integrated into its fold. The resultant DevSecOps can boost the security of software applications throughout the SDLC. It is only when the DevOps approach and the best practices of automated QA testing are integrated with security testing goals that the application can turn out to be stable and robust from a security perspective.

Select the right testing tool: At the core of test automation is the testing tool, which should have the features and attributes to support the conduct of continuous security testing. It is important to choose a testing tool that everyone in the SDLC is familiar with – development, QA testing, and operations. The test cycle can generate tangible results only when the right tool is integrated into the process.

Security test automation: Given the complexity and criticality of security testing for software applications, it needs a special approach. During execution, the tests can be broken into functional security tests such as password generation and authentication, non-functional tests against known vulnerabilities, security scanning of the application and its surrounding environment, and testing logic.

Test for vulnerabilities: Since the objective of any application security testing is to prevent any possible malware attack, it is critical to use the right framework and tools. It is advisable to develop an automation framework to test any existing vulnerabilities. Furthermore, the automated test framework can be enhanced when better test cases are used. So, it is worthwhile to invest in developing a robust security testing framework.


The rising cyber threat scenario needs software applications, frameworks, and test environments to be robust and devoid of any vulnerability. So, enterprises need to implement DevSecOps where enterprise process automation in security testing should be an integral part.