Expert Tips to Pick the Right Paint Colour for Your Commercial Building

Author: Yodollah Rezvani

As a commercial property manager, you must ensure that your property looks its best at all times in order to attract and maintain renters, and painting is one of the most cost-effective ways to do so. Some high-end property managers have gone so far as to provide customers with free regular repaints in order to keep renters satisfied and persuade them to renew their lease. How do you choose the best commercial paint colours when there are often hundreds to choose from? Here are some pointers to help you pick the best commercial paint colours for your building.

Consider the architecture and materials used in construction

The architectural style of the building is also vital to consider; after all, a modern palette will look out of place on a historical structure, and vice versa. Modern structures, for example, coexist with old structures. In relation with the colour structures, older constructions favour rich and neutral browns, whilst modern buildings research more with stronger colours like yellow, orange, and red. You can seek the help of commercial painters Sydney to choose the right paint colour for your commercial building.

Think about the kind of impression you want to make

The aesthetic of the properties you already manage will usually give a prospective renter or client their first impression of your company, so think carefully about what you want to express. If your property houses law and finance firms, for example, you'll probably want to express a sense of trust and responsibility, so use neutral, black, and brown colours to paint your commercial building.

Consider the characteristics of the area you're working with

Another thing to think about is the type of space you're working with. You want to emphasise qualities that contribute to the environment you want to create, while minimising features that might be working against you. If you have a small room that you want to appear larger, bright, cool, and delicate colours are a terrific method to do it. Deeper, darker, and warmer tones, on the other hand, are the way to go if you have a large area and want to make it feel cosier and more inviting.

Consider who will be using the structure and what they will be doing with it

You should think about the individuals who will be utilising the property on a daily basis and how you can make the setting as pleasant as possible for them, in addition to the type of identity you want to project to the world. While white may appear to be a safe choice for companies, commercial painters Sydney suggest that white walls can actually reduce worker productivity.

If you are looking for commercial or residential painters Sydney, you can rely on Starland Painting.