What to Consider When Buying Window Air Conditioners

Author: Wil Son

Typically, window AC systems consist of all their components in one small package and they are fitted in double-hung windows. But with the many types of models you can find on the market, you are able to get some that can be fitted in walls and casement windows. A window AC is designed to cool one room but those with enough BTU power, they can cool a few rooms. By using Window Air Conditioners you improve the quality of life at home. When you are buying your window AC unit, there are a number of things, which you can look at in order to make sure you get the right product. Below are a few essential points to consider before you buy your window AC system:

  • Cooling capacity- Before you settle on a particular brand for the AC equipment, ensure that you understand its cooling capacity. You do not want to buy a unit that cannot even cool down one large single room. The cooling capacity is measured using British Thermal Units- BTUs. This is the essentially the basic measure used in measuring thermal energy.

In most cases, the AC systems are designed to cover specific area. To ensure you get a unit with efficiency and effectiveness in cooling down your room, stick with the room size. The sellers of these equipments have charts they use to help buyers determine which equipments can serve them appropriately.

An AC that has little BTU power will strain and run continuously to cool a large space and this will mean increased energy bills. If you have one that is too big in power, it will not cool or dehumidify the space uniformly and it will leave the room susceptible to pockets of hot and cold zones.

  • Installation requirements- Do not pick a unit that will not fit in your home or will require a lot of plumbing work to be done. With most of the window ACs, they are made to fit inside the standard double hung window. There are also models, which can be fitted in custom wall spaces using special mounting parts.
  • If you find that your window dimensions are quite small, you may use the wall-mounting alternative. Make sure that you measure the dimensions in your window frame and determine the width. Compare the window width with that which is listed on the AC unit to see if they match.
  • Energy efficiency- Many of the modern AC units are designed to be energy efficient. In order to determine the energy efficiency of a unit, examine two components, which are the Energy Rating Star and the EER number. If you find that a unit is rated as Energy Star, then consider that to be economical. Such units have programmable timers and thermostats to allow scalable cooling of rooms.
  • The Energy Efficiency Ratio- EER is another way in which you can determine the efficiency of these systems. The EER shows how many units of AC power or BTUs are used per watt of electrical power. Shop for an AC unit that has an EER of at least 10 in order to get the best results.

These are not the only factors to consider. You also need to look at maintenance needs and the electrical requirements. All AC systems require regular maintenance in order to keep them clean and operating optimally. However, some may be have designs that make it difficult to clean them and remove debris.