The Don’ts Of Restaurant Domain Names

Author: Restaurantify Inc

A restaurant’s domain name is not merely a string of letters. It is the vital aspect of a restaurant’s online marketing strategy.

The very foundation of a restaurant’s online presence is dependent on the domain name. This is because customers see this domain name in the copy of print marketing materials and also soft copies of other persuasive material. It is this domain name that they click and see on their address bar too.


What exactly is this domain name then? A domain name is one used by Internet surfers to reach your website. For example, is our domain name.

This article is primarily about the DON’TS of a restaurant domain name. Later on, we will also explain some of the best practices and provide suggestions to get yourself a good domain name.

Do not use the domain before the restaurant name

Always pick the restaurant name and domain name at the same time. If the domain and business name match, searches can be made easily. If you establish your restaurant, but wait for too long to get a domain name, it might already be taken and you will face problems.

Do not make it long

People cannot remember long domain names. Also, search engines like Google love URLs that are simple, easy to understand and give users what they promise. If the domain name is long, chances of it being misspelt are high and people may experience difficulties in identifying you online. Keep the domain name short, memorable and equally relevant for your business. It should be easy to pronounce and spell.

Do not use odd characters

Avoid using hyphens, abbreviations or numerical digits for your domain name. Such characters make the name unattractive and difficult to remember. People will get confused between characters and find it hard to recall them, thereby, affecting your web traffic.

Do not forget to research domains

If your domain name is similar to anybody else’s from the same industry, you are likely to face problems of mistaken identity. If you are and your competitor is, it could be disastrous for both of you.

So, always do some research before choosing your domain name. Ensure that you find a unique domain name for your business.

Do not compromise

Let us say that you want as your domain name. While searching, if you find that it has already been taken by somebody else.

Since you wish to cling on to ‘pizzalove’, if you choose, it is a bad idea. Just picking a different extension and retaining the name is not going to help you much even if the competition does not lie in your area.

Your restaurant should always end with address. But, if you want to protect your domain name, just purchase domain names, but do not use them. Just keep them with you to protect your brand name.

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