A Great Way to Test Yourself at Google

Author: Pankaj Jangir

Google has recently launched The Google Digital Garage (GHD) Certification Program that gives certifications to individuals who want to work in different internet marketing and SEO related positions. This program offers a good starting point for anybody who wishes to work at digital marketing. It is a two-step process, which consists of two parts. The first part is a test which will assess the candidate's knowledge and proficiency in various computer applications such as Java, Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails, etc.

On the second step, one has to create an account with the selected Google site. This step involves answering a series of questions related to the niche area in which one is interested in working. Once done with this, one gets a code that he can use to log into the GHD site and complete his registration. The questions asked are designed to test and measure the candidates' IT skills and knowledge about specific niches.

One can access the Google site through the URL provided on the registration page. From there, one can access the question and answer links and post queries. The questions asked cover various topics relevant to the areas in which one has an interest. There are questions about web design, article writing, SEO, email marketing, search engine optimization, social media, website development, etc.

To be eligible to take the test and get the certification, one needs to practice the questions properly and submit the maximum number of practice questions. The codes are non-transferable and cannot be shared with anyone else. The questions must be answered in the specific manner in order to get the right certification.

If you want to know how many questions relate to each section, you can access a PDF file containing the questions. Each question corresponds to a code. If you don't know the code, you can search for it on the Google site. The practice questions are meant to assess current skills and knowledge and help you build on existing skills. If you want to know more about how the questions are phrased or the types of answers provided, you can access the glossary used by experts on the Google site.

Before answering any of the questions, read the explanation carefully to understand what they mean. Then enter your own guess in place of the correct code - this helps to measure your own knowledge. After you hit the submit button, the question is posted on the site for other people to try. Anyone who gets the code - usually it's a wrong code - must rewrite the question. Only experts are allowed to guess correctly the most relevant code.

The Google Garage is a unique area as it offers a free way of gauging your knowledge about various technical subjects and also a source for new questions that you may not have thought of. For example, if you wanted to find out how many grams of caffeine a pack of cigarettes will contain, there are many possible questions you can enter to get an answer. Quizzes are not just fun; they are also a great way to find out how far you really understand a subject.

There is a special area within the Google Garage where questions can be asked by anyone. You will need to provide details like your name, email address, and perhaps your phone number. In order to enter your code, you must click on 'Sign up now' and follow the simple instructions given. After doing so, you will be sent a link that you can use to enter your code. Google will then send you the question and answer page, so that you can get started straight away.