DSA - Best Digital Marketing Training And Institute

Author: Aadil Chalgotawala
SEO For E-commerce Website

SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is a strategy of increasing your website position on a search engine platform. After having a basic idea of how SEO works, you can use different tactics to improve your website’s position.

You must have worked hard and spent many resources to build a good website for your business, but not getting new leads is a constant problem in this competitive market and this is exactly when SEO comes into the picture. Using effective SEO techniques can increase your website visibility by getting a higher rank on search engines. And we’re here to guide you to build an SEO-friendly website for your business. But first, let’s understand the basic working of SEO and why t is important.

Digital Sandip Academy

Are you looking for SEO for your E-Commerce Website through Digital Marketing, then you should check out which is India’s No. 1 Digital Marketing Agency.

Digital Sandip Academy is the best Academy to learn Online Digital Marketing Courses.

Digital Sandip Academy is providing the Best Online Digital Marketing Course in Ahmedabad. Apart from digital marketing services, they also provide internships, and live projects to their students and helping students to start their own start-ups and building their profiles.

Get in touch with Digital Sandip Academy to access Digital Marketing advance Courses, PPC course, SEO training, Social media training, Email marketing, Inbound marketing, Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics training, and many more.

The Digital Sandip Academy is led by Mr. Sandip Trivedi, who is the founder and CEO of the academy. With 10+yrs of experience and having trained 50,000+ students. He has extensive experience in this industry both as a leading digital marketing consultant and as a trainer. He aims to create a more talented resource in the domains of Digital Marketing, Digital Analytics, and Digital Research.

Digital Sandip Academy provides advanced digital marketing courses that cover the following services:

  • Digital Marketing
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Facebook Marketing
  • Google Analytics
  • Lead Generation
  • Inbound marketing
  • WordPress website development
  • YouTube SEO
  • SEM
  • SMM(Social Media Marketing)
  • Email marketing
  • Web Analytics
  • Landing Page Design Course
  • Google Tag Manager

Address: A-206, Addor Ambition, Beside Vimal House, Near Navkar Classes, Navrang Circle, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad.

Email: hello@digitalsandipacademy.com

Website: https://www.digitalsandipacademy.com/

Contact No: +91-7567154257

The Basic Working Of SEO And Why It Is Important

SEO is all about understanding and knowing what your customers need and not only that, it also includes knowing what they are searching for. For example, keywords they use problems they are facing or solutions they are looking after. Knowing answers to such questions will help you to create content that is needed by your website’s visitors.

Remember, search engines are just a machine answering people’s queries. All they do is store all types of data (videos, images, pdfs, blogs, and a variety of other content) and display it to the searcher in a particular order. And that is why you’re required to keep SEO in mind. But remember, Search engines are not your readers or customers. You’re creating content on your website for your customers, they are your end-users. You should create content according to their requirement. Therefore, a content creator or content writer should keep both search engines and customers in their minds.

You must have noticed the search results contain both organic well as advertisement results. You have to pay for advertisement a result which is known as search engine marketing and use effective SEO tactics for organic results. Studies have shown that searchers still rely more on organic results compared to other ones because that content is genuinely liked by a large amount of audience.

Attracting new customers can be hard and paying for the same is not cheap. But, your website needs new visitors, which is why it was built in the first place. You can therefore depend on SEO for getting a positive result and it is not too hard to understand its working.

If you provide content worth reading and are also SEO friendly then the chances of getting in top results of a search engine are already there.

An Appropriate Guide Of SEO For An E-commerce WebsiteKeywords

Will you believe me if I say that a total of 228 million searches are made on Google every hour? This means there are a lot of searches and a lot of content already present on the internet. You need to make sure that your website provides something new and different to your readers.

Keywords are the words that make your website visible to readers on search engines. Using the right keyword is important to make sure that the content of your website is in the top results of search engines. You can use the following three types of keywords –

  • Informational keyword – it solves queries of questions like "how to", "when", "what".
  • Commercial keyword – a reader is not in purchasing stage yet and mainly searches for "price range", "quality review".
  • Transactional keyword – here the user is ready to buy and thus product and service names are your main keyword.

Writing and creating content with keywords related to your business and audience gradually increases your rank on search engines. For finding authentic keywords, you can use "Google keyword planner". It’s a free tool by Google, which will let you know popular and useful keywords in your niche.