Things To Avoid After A Hip Replacement Surgery

Author: Timely Medical

Hip replacement is a surgical procedure that is only recommended in severe pain conditions. It is a type of surgery that is effective for patients who have end-stage arthritic hip conditions. Hip replacement is considered only when the patient has tried but failed more conservative treatments, and faces significant inflexibility pain, or problems with their hip function.

Along with the elderly patients, hip surgery in Calgary is also performed on adults who have a deteriorated hip. Generally, the experts recommend delay in hip replacement surgery until it is highly necessary. This is because of the breakdown of the replacement parts. This treatment of hip replacement helps the patient to enjoy high success. In the medical field, this type of surgery is also known for its success.

Hip replacement surgery is one of the most durable, safest, and effective ways to treat the problems that the patient faces due to arthritis. But after the surgery, the patients are recommended to avoid some things for effective and long-lasting results.

Low Chairs:-

The patients of hip replacement surgery are generally recommended to avoid low or soft chairs. The patients are advised to avoid chairs that are too low. While sitting after the surgery, the hips must be kept higher than the knees. It is always better to avoid rocking chairs, soft chairs, stools, or sofas. However, the patients can use firmer, taller chairs and bar stools.

The patients are also advised not to drive and lie on their back while resting in bed. Until they are allowed by the experts. It is better to keep a pillow between the thighs for preventing the knees from touching.

Certain Movements:-

After a hip replacement surgery, there are certain movements that the patients should avoid as they can cause the new joint to dislocate. This is generally recommended during the initial healing process. The patients are recommended to avoid crossing their legs at the knees for the first 6 to 8 weeks. The experts also recommend not to lean forward while sitting down.

Patients should also avoid picking up something from the floor during a sitting position. After a hip replacement surgery, it is also recommended not to turn their feet outward or inward while bending down. Along with this, not reaching down for pulling up the comforters or blankets while lying in bed and bending at the waist at 90 degrees is also recommended.


Just like any other surgery or treatment, hip replacement surgery also needs a good exercise to make the full recovery. After hip surgery in Calgary, the patients are advised to get in a healthy exercise routine. Following some light exercises and avoiding heavy ones as per the recommendation of the experts helps to get long-lasting as well as effective results. Along with this, maintaining a healthy body weight after and before the hip replacement surgery also helps the patients to improve their recovery process and the overall lifespan of the prosthesis. Along with this, maintaining a balanced diet during recovery also results useful.