Freelancing with mobile phone | Can I do freelancing on mobile?

Author: Technology in USA

was checking through Quora the other day and I came across the question, "Can I start freelancing just with my smartphone and internet? How?" and some other similar questions. The responses to these questions were not exactly helpful, with most people trying to sell their fraudulent schemes and some asserting that it is impossible. For someone who made quite a fortune freelancing with a smartphone, I think it’s fair enough to let people know how it can be done.

First of all, I want to make it clear that owning a PC is no doubt the best way to work as a Freelancer. But what happens if you can’t afford one yet?

Don’t Fret. There are still lots of ways you can earn money with your skills.

Freelance Jobs You Can Do With Your SmartphoneSocial Media Manager

This is practically the easiest freelance job you can do with your smartphone. Your work as a social media manager is to help people (individuals and organizations) handle their social media pages, create better content, and interact with their customers.

You just have to be social media savvy and know how to help grow followers, increase reach, and drive engagement on different social media platforms.


You can write articles, blog posts, website contents, ebooks, etc., for clients with your mobile phone. All you need is to be a great storyteller, fast typist, and a few apps to write with.

The best part is that most of these apps are free and available on both Google and Apple Playstore. Here are some great writing apps you need to kickstart your journey as a freelance writer:

  • Google docs
  • WPS Office
  • Microsoft office World
Virtual Assistant

As a virtual assistant, your work is to provide professional administrative, technical, or creative (social) assistance. This may include answering and making calls, sending emails, managing social media pages, etc.

Practically all this work is done with a mobile phone anyways. So, you are on track.

Graphics Designer/Illustrator

The amazing thing about designing on mobile is that you don’t have to know how to use desktop apps like Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator. You can create beautiful designs with Canva, a web, and mobile design application.

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