Restaurant website mistakes that restaurateurs must not commit

Author: Restaurantify Inc

The restaurant industry no longer needs to be told that having a website is essential for modern restaurant management and digital marketing. Statistics state that a whopping 77% of restaurant customers visit the restaurant website before deciding whether to dine-in or simply opt for delivery.

However, being online for the sake of it will not help the business in any way. One must not overlook the importance of survey results that state that 68% of diners choose another restaurant due to a restaurant’s website mistakes. Therefore, you need a restaurant website that looks professional and converts website visitors into financially rewarding customers.

Despite the availability of an ocean of social media options, (many of them being free too), the most valuable asset for a restaurant would be its own website. That is the place where communication must begin and that is the place where customers must be driven to. You might have created a website yourself or hired a professional’s help to get it done. Whichever way the website came into existence, it mustn't underperform in fulfilling the expectations of visitors.

Here is a list of common online pitfalls that prove to be hurdles for restaurants and stop them from realizing their maximum potential. Once you are done reading this article, you will be able to revamp your restaurant website to cater to the needs of today’s diners.

Common Website Errors That Restaurants Commit (And how to fix them)

Non-Responsive Design

How bad is it to have a non-responsive website?

The answer is ‘REALLY BAD’.

Even excellent written content supplemented by beautiful images would turn out to be futile if the restaurant website is not easy for visitors to use. A site that requires the visitor to put in a lot of grueling effort will outright be rejected. This will be detrimental to the revenue of the restaurant business and ultimately, its growth. A challenging site is nothing but lost business.

The most important feature of a functional site is its responsiveness. Developing a fully responsive design allows multi-device users to enjoy visiting and being on your website, thus enhancing the user experience. A responsive website is also an important element of a good SEO strategy. Google ranks mobile-friendly websites at higher positions. While responsive websites are rewarded, the non-responsive ones lose the limelight.

A Website That Is Not User-Friendly

Customers always prefer obtaining the ‘comfort’ quotient from every product and service that they use. That applies to online browsing too. When it comes to websites, this comfort gets another name – usability. It is bad usability that annoys visitors more than an outdated design. When they are not allowed to navigate a website with ease and waste a lot of time on mundane tasks, they have no choice but to leave. A website with a non-responsive design makes it anti-user-friendly

For a positive user experience, make navigation intuitive, choose the color schemes carefully, pay attention to Call To Action, increase the website loading time speed, carefully listen to feedback from customers and users, and provide in-depth information in a clutter-free manner and strengthen up your contact page.

Unreadable Fonts

When you overdo on a copy, that too with unreadable fonts, you are committing a grave mistake. Fonts are crucial elements of design choices. They must be chosen meticulously while working on your brand identity. The best fonts help you bond instantly with the message and the brand while the worst fonts make you feel estranged.

Always consider whether the text is legible against the background used on the website. Also, make sure that the font size does not leave a strain on the visitor’s eye. hard-to-read text will always turn off visitors. So, choose typefaces that have even kerning (spaces between characters), consistency (serif or sans serif style applied not only to the alphabets but also to numbers and punctuation), balanced fonts (a balanced blend of thick and thin, heavy and light) and legible (easy to read). If a font cannot be read, the message remains locked on the website.

Check a font’s legibility by writing several words using it. Make sure that every letter and bunch of letter combinations are easy to read. Scale it up and down to see which size legibility becomes difficult and avoid using the typeface in that size. If you need very small text, use only a legible font.

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