High Risk Payment Gateways: A connection between you and your customer

Author: Emerchant Pro

A payment gateway acts as a connector which carries the payment from customer to the merchant’s account. It accepts the debit and credit card payments and you know what, it deliberately safeguards all the information which customer filled on the page.

In today’s epoch, the online buying and selling have taken a new face. There is a very high inclination in online shoppers and buyers, and so in online businesses also. The online businesses have also increased, the internet now a day is filled with numerous merchants trying to establish themselves as an online merchant.

Who is a high risk merchant?

Being a merchant it is obvious that every business requires merchant and payment services whether it is a high risk or a low risk. Low risk businesses have full opportunities for merchant services. But here we are taking about high-risk merchants.

So, how these merchants get their merchant services? They are welcomed by payment services providers. These payment services providers are third parties who make the merchant and payment gateway services available for the high risk merchants as well.

eMerchant pro will help your business to grow with full efficacy without worrying for chargebacks and volume of transactions. Your business will no longer face any difficulty in receiving and accepting payments and that is to be with our dedicated service.

The credit card processing for such businesses should be processed with high level of safety and security.

What is a high-risk payment gateway?

Every business includes global payments and global credit card processing because of establishing a global name. Even many merchants have global or international customers as well. This will lead to the global payments by customers from different locations.

Due to this, it becomes more important for merchant to introduce a seamless high-risk payment gateway so that customers do not back off and leaves the site without buying and paying. When the high-risk payment gateway is integrated to the merchant’s website, there is less chance of customer backing off from payment.

  • Easy and simplifies integration with merchant’s website.
  • Real time processing reports.
  • Smooth online credit card processing.

A high-risk payment gateway is the necessity of all the merchants that fall under high-risk category. Payment service providers now a day are offering cutting edge technologies related to payment processing. Merchants who come under high risk need not to worry if they are rejected by banks. They can search for the best payment service and payment gateway providers to get the merchant services.

A 3DS payment gateway

It is better known for its one time password authentication by banks through customers registered phone number with bank. However, it takes more time than a non 3DS payment gateway. This may sometime irritates the customers. But the security is highly assured.

A non 3Ds payment gateway works with no redirection to any other page or window in system. The payment approvals are quick and faster as compared to a 3Ds payment gateway. In addition to this there is no compromise with the security as well. No additional authentication is required.

eMerchant Pro is an esteem high risk payment service provider. We are partners in your journey of business and generating profits. eMerchant pro makes sure that none of the merchants are left with payment gateway services in order to take their business to a new level. International and global payments are now easy with eMerchant pro. Get in touch with us now.