How Smart City Chatbot that Improves Citizens Life style

Author: Emmanuel Mathew

Chatbots aren’t just for businesses anymore, they’re also being utilized by city governments that are relying more and more technology for daily operations. Some employ the same chatbots as corporations, while others work with municipal specific tools. Regardless, what smart cities do with these chatbots isn’t that different from private enterprise. If you think of the taxpayer as a customer someone for who pays for certain services chatbot usage looks relatively the same.

Below are the proven examples of smart city chatbot that improves citizens life style.

1.Keeping Citizens Happy

In most towns, if you’re driving along the road and see a downed streetlight, you need to call it in an action most people don’t follow through with. The result is a communication gap that often becomes a point of contention, causing taxpayers to complain about how streets are maintained. In US, North Charleston town started using chatbot, a chatbot connecting through text, Twitter and Facebook Messenger.

Just as private sector businesses use chatbots to process customer complaints, the people of North Charleston use Smart city chatbot to request repairs. Within six months of the deployment, town community manager said North Charleston repaired or replaced 115 percent more trash cans, fixed 190 percent more street and traffic lights, filled 75 percent more potholes, and repaired 115 percent more street signs. Smart city chatbot is also available in towns across Texas, New Jersey and Virginia.

2.Making PWD Teams More Efficient

Question and answer chatbots make businesses more efficient by saving staff the time it takes to search for information. Why slog through a knowledge management system when you can get the answer by chatbot?

The same principle applies to smart cities. Instead of citizens having to ask city employees for information, they can simply access it on their own, via chatbot. In Los Angeles this means prospective vendors save procurement staff time by directing bid questions to the department chatbot. In Kansas City, a Facebook Messenger-based chatbot processes open record requests question from the press and others for public information. Use cases like these not only make workers more efficient by cutting back on calls and emails, but when accompanied by a project management back-end, chatbots help governments organize data. In North Charleston, static report says this has made the public works department 110 percent more efficient.

3.Helping Cities Facilitate Tax Payment & Certificate issues

Early chatbots especially those connecting via website served as virtual assistants to guide e-commerce customers through purchase. Buying items online was something users were comfortable doing already, but the bot was there to answer final product questions.

In a government context, this same technology can help people pay their taxes. In India, the town of Rajkot launched Chatbot as part of the country’s Smart City Mission initiative. Chatbot facilitates tax payment information and processes citizen requests for birth and death certificates, as well as neighborhood complaints. Within its first 46 days, Chatbot processed 1001 queries. More than 1.3 million people live in Rajkot.

And while it’s a federal government department, not municipal the Australian Taxation Office provides assistance by bot as well. Business Insider Australia reports that 80 percent of taxpayer inquiries are resolved at first contact via chatbot as opposed to the industry standard of 60-64 percent.


Nowadays many city governments and organizations are looking at Chatbot technology as an opportunity to improve their relationship and interaction with their citizens and make a safe and progressive environment for them. Governments can engage with all citizens in real-time, leading to continuous connectivity, improved governance, value-added satisfaction, and enhanced relations between public and government.