5 Simple Tips to Keep Your Hardwood Floors in Top Shape

Author: Bruno Oliveira

Homeowners have a special love for hardwood floors. They are elegant, stylish, and durable too. Plus, they add more value to your home. Even though maintaining hardwood floors is easier than other flooring options such as carpets, people hardly dedicate their time towards cleaning and maintenance. As a result, hardwood floors gradually lose their sheen and aesthetic appeal. Here are some simple maintenance tips from the experts of hardwood floor refinishing in Mission Hills KS:

Avoid Liquid Damage:

Hardwood floors are most vulnerable to liquid and scratches. The best thing to do is avoid liquid spills as much as possible. If spills happen, be sure to wipe them off immediately. Use a damp mop to thoroughly clean your hardwood floor. There are certain cleaning products available in the market that are specifically meant for maintaining hardwood floors. Using the right cleaner is important, since other products would have harmful ingredients that can adversely impact the hardwood finish.

Vacuum the Floors Often:

Since hardwood floors accumulate dirt and dust on a daily basis, try to vacuum the floor every day and remove any debris that can possibly scratch your floor. As mentioned earlier, you can also use a damp microfiber cloth for cleaning. Choose the right vacuum that is effective in cleaning hardwood flooring in Mission Hills KS. This ensures that you will get the best results without hurting the floor.

Avoid Scratching the Floor:

No matter how you use your hardwood floors, make sure no scratches show up on the surface. Avoid using shoes inside your house because the soles can easily tear the floor. Use sock or indoor slippers instead. Also be extra careful when moving furniture, else it could easily damage the wood. You can also use protectors on the feet of the furniture in order to prevent scratching the surface. Using rugs is also recommended to avoid scratches on the floor.

Opt for Hardwood Floor Refinishing:

Sanding and refinishing are really great for keeping your hardwood floors in top shape. Your hardwood floors will look dull and worn out over time, which is why you should opt for hardwood floor refinishing in Mission Hills KS from time to time. Don't do it yourself. Instead, hire an expert team that is specialized in this process. They will have the right tools and equipment to get the job done. Refinishing allows you to restore the condition of your hardwood floors with ease.

Contact a Flooring Expert:

Get in touch with a hardwood floor installation Mission Hills KS company that can assess the condition of the floor and do whatever is required to maintain them. If your hardwood floor is damaged, the experts will repair it for you. Hardwood floor refinishing is also recommended to extend the longevity of your floor.

These tips should really help out in maintaining your hardwood floor. If you have questions, be sure to talk to the experts today.