The Pain And Limitations Of Osteoarthritis

Author: Robert Smith

Osteoarthritis is the type of arthritis experienced by most people. Also called degenerative or "wear and tear" arthritis, osteoarthritis is a leading cause of knee problems that send people to the orthopedic doctor for treatment to restore joint function. The condition results from the wearing down of the cartilage that covers the ends of the bones and which serves as a cushion. Any joint can be affected but the most common ones are the knees, hips, neck, lower back and hands.

Although common, osteoarthritis has no known cure and it gets worse over time. The purpose of seeing an orthopedic doctor is for treatment that will slow down the progression of the disease, get relief from pain and increase their ability to use their joints.

Symptoms of Osteoarthritis

Symptoms may start slow and continue to worsen over time. Symptoms and signs include:

  • Pain in the joint(s) during movement
  • Tenderness when light pressure is applied
  • Joint stiffness, particularly upon rising in the morning
  • Inability to move the joint in the full range of motion
  • A feeling or sound of grating bone against bone
  • Development of bone spurs that appear as hard lumps near the joint

Any time you experience joint pain or have stiffness of the joints for over a few weeks, make an appointment with an orthopedic doctor.

Risk Factors for Osteoarthritis

  • A job that requires you to stand or sit in the same position for extended periods and puts pressure on a joint repeatedly
  • Deformities of the bones can increase your risk
  • People who are carrying greater amounts of body weight
  • Injuries to the joint as those incurred from sports or accidents
  • Diseases like diabetes, gout, hypothyroidism

As the condition worsens, people may find it increasingly difficult to perform normal daily activities. They may no longer be capable of doing their job. When the pain and limitations of motion become this severe, their orthopedic doctor may recommend having knee or hip joint replacement surgery. While surgery is usually considered a last resort after other available treatments have failed, when quality of life is at stake, surgery may provide the relief that is needed. You may find helpful resources from Los Angeles based experts on the website listed below:Orthopedic Doctor Los Angeles


To determine if you are suffering from osteoarthritis, the doctor will usually begin with a visual exam to look for tenderness, redness or swelling of the joint. X-rays and MRI’s can pinpoint where cartilage has been lost or other sources of pain. The doctor may order blood tests to rule out rheumatoid arthritis or other causes of joint pain while joint fluid analysis will show inflammation if present or indications of gout or infection.

Your orthopedic doctor may start by recommending nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to provide pain relief and reduce inflammation. In severe cases, narcotics may be used. A combination of drug therapy and other therapy types is usually most effective, including physical or occupational therapy, braces or the use of shoe inserts. Injections into the affected joint with cortisone or lubricants are sometimes used to provide relief as well. Talk with your orthopedic doctor to determine which approach is the best one for you.