Avoid These Common Mistakes In Digital Marketing For Better Business Outcomes

Author: Pratik Mache

Digital marketing is in vogue for almost a decade now and it will continue to be, as online is the way to go ahead from here. While every other marketer is indulging in digitization, customers are enjoying the mode of online communication and have adapted transacting and buying online too. Though all is well, there could be some mistakes that you might overlook and which could cost you a lot.

This article throws light on some of the mistakes that you should avoid while going full throttle in digital.

Ignoring Facebook

With everyone using LinkedIn, marketers tend to make the most common mistake of ignoring Facebook. This platform has evolved over the years and it is no longer just a casual platform. It is very much prepped up for business and marketers need to make the most of it.

Facebook is one of the most popular platforms. This is actually an advantage that b2b marketers can make use of. Though LinkedIn is the most favorite platforms for B2B marketers, they should also consider distributing their valuable content on Facebook for business. It can be a great platform for word of mouth, for customers sharing their stories etc. that can actually elevate the overall business reach. With millions of people on Facebook, chances of having a wider audience on this platform are higher than any other platform.

Focusing on quantity of content-

This mistake needs to be avoided at all times. If you consider quantity of content to be more important than quality, it can be detrimental to the overall welfare of the business. Focus on quality of content. If you are guest blogging and it is one of the significant parts of your strategy then instead of having more guest posts, focus on high quality content in each post even if it means you are posting less number of guest posts.

Quality of content should always be prioritized over the quantity. And if you want both, be ready to rope in more experts and skilled resources who will see to it that the quality is untouched no matter how many blogs, articles or social media posts you need to pull off per week.

Relying too much on technology and tools-

None of the sales or marketing will make sense unless there is that human touch to it. Be it content, messaging, or solutions. Tools and technology is a big asset for B2B lead generation and b2b sales companies. However, these are just tools and strategic intervention is a must and it has to come from experts.

Humans can never be entirely replaced with technology and it is the best way to be. Sales without human contact cannot really speed up. A chat-bot is fine, but directly talking or communicating with the customers will always give the prospect the trust, assurance, and guarantee that he is looking for.

Wrapping up-

Technology, tools etc. are great and they will always help us in many ways that one. But do not overlook the most common mistakes that you might make while focusing too much on other important things.