5 Practical Tips to Define SMART Training Objectives

Author: Lakshmi Puleti

The most important yet often disregarded element of the training and development cycle is setting and writing down training objectives. Because the L&D staff is eager to prepare presentations and schedule courses, creating a training objectives plan is frequently pushed to the bottom of the priority list and not given the attention it deserves.

SMART training objectives, on the other hand, ensure that your courses are a success. It would help if you aimed for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound (S.M.A.R.T) objectives. You’ll be able to express these goals in a way that interests and resonates with employees if you use the SMART approach. Read more: Corporate Learning

This article will show you how to create and write practical training objectives.

How can you create the perfect organizational training objectives?

It’s time to write down your training goals now that you’ve defined them. These will be the foundation of your training course as well as your most persuasive marketing material.

Is it difficult for you to write training objectives? It’s not necessary. These 6 tips will assist you in creating compelling, practical, and quantifiable staff training objectives like a pro.

1. Make it clear what the training program’s goal is

What do you hope to get out of this training program? How can you boost staff productivity? How do you close a knowledge gap? Teach new employees skills that will help your business compete? Whatever the case may be, you must ensure that the training’s aim is apparent.

2. Define the expected outcomes of the training

The measurable goals that learners are expected to attain at the end of a training program are known as training outcomes. Because you’ll evaluate training based on whether or not your teams achieve these outcomes, outcomes define your training approach’s success (or failure).

3. Pay close attention to the circumstances

When creating training objectives, keep the following in mind. It would help if you examined several factors that will influence the design and delivery of your training program.

The availability of a trained instructor or a suitable facility, for example, can influence how you provide training. Your staff? Are they in-house or remote employees? What is your budget? It will play a role as well.

4. Align your training objectives with your company’s objectives

Base the training goals on observable and measurable outcomes. These results, in turn, must be based on a set of criteria, commonly known as key performance indicators or skill levels. Why? Because the primary purpose of training is to generate business outcomes. Read more: Open source learning management system

5. Jot down your training objectives using the SMART format

When it comes to creating any type of goal – training or otherwise – the SMART approach has long been the gold standard. The process of developing SMART training objectives can be summed up in five letters:

S (Specific): Training objectives must be small and specific. What abilities will be gained by whom, and for what purpose? For each training aim, concentrate on one particular skill or knowledge.

M (Measurable): Learning outcomes must also be quantifiable. This implies that the organization or the department may quantify the acquired ability or knowledge in specific terms, such as a 10% jump in annual revenues.

A (Attainable): This term refers to training objectives that are realistic given the time and resources available. For example, you can’t expect trainees to grasp a complex skill in 20 minutes or even two hours of training.

R (Relevant): Being relevant means that your training objectives answer the question — "Why?" They should have an answer for: "What’s in it for me?" Learners must understand why they are undergoing training and what they may expect to gain from it. Will they be able to improve their work performance due to the skills or information they will gain? Will they be able to apply these skills in the workplace?

T – Time-bound: The time-bound element responds to the inquiry — "When?" A goal without a deadline is said to be nothing more than a fantasy. The same may be said for training objectives. Typically, the deadline is set after the training program. Of course, an additional practice may be required in some circumstances. Read more: Corporate training in bangalore


Training objectives connect a training program to real-world business outcomes. Setting clear, practical, and measurable training goals at the start of the training creation process will go a long way toward assuring your course’s success. The purpose of clear training is not only to answer the audience’s question: What’s in it for me? They also link training to organizational objectives and outcomes that can be measured. A lot is riding on these objectives, so do the wise thing and make them SMART.