Writing an exceptional tender

Author: Redtape Busters

Tender writer Sydney comprehends that the key to exceptional tender writing and is being specific and detailing exactly how the applicant organisation capabilities match the specifications or requirements contained in the request for tender document.

The effective tender writer clearly demonstrates that they have thoroughly read and understood the request for tender document and what the tender client needs and then they use this comprehension to outline the case for their client in winning the tender.

There are specific win themes that our Tender writer in Queensland will discuss with their client organisation in order to present a compelling tender application that highlights the exceptional abilities of their clients. These include completing the job within a tight time schedule, only using quality subcontractors, effective project management skills, methods to guarantee they will remain on schedule, and the effective health and safety procedures utilised by their client organisation.

The Tender Writer will focus exactly on what the tender Client wants. They pay very close attention to the information that is available to them in the request for tender document and they use this information wisely in crafting their response.

Tender writer acknowledge that while price is a major factor in who wins the tender it is also important to remember that whoever is going to select the winning tender they will want to do it in an informed way. The evaluation and selection team are interested in what each applicant in the tender process can bring to the party. They are looking for value for money so it is important that the tender writer highlights what their clients can offer that their competitors can’t.

Tender Writer will focus on your unique selling points in their tender proposal. For example, the ability to complete quickly with a tight timeframe and budget but still provide quality product or service. They use examples from your past performances to highlight the exceptional quality of previous jobs your organisation has completed. They include definitive feedback from prior clients that can be added to the submission as substantiation of all claims made about client satisfaction and job quality and efficient timeframes.

The tender writer will work with you to determine a way you can offer regular progress reports and updates to the tender client.

Tender writer will ensure that a comprehensive breakdown and budget of all work required is included in the tender proposal as they are aware it demonstrates professionalism; full understanding of the tender requirements; and efficient organisation and planning; and produces a sense of commitment and experience that will be evident to the evaluation team.

An exceptional tender pays attention to detail, ensures all the criterion and requirements of the request for tender document are thoroughly answered and it is done so in a format that is easy to read and find particular information. The exceptional tender writer dots all their I’s crosses all their t’s and checks and rechecks the finished document for spelling or grammar errors and places their clients in the best position possible to successfully win the tender.