Important Criteria’s of A Dies for Drawing Wire
In finishing process of metal wire production, wire diameter shall be determined by dies hole. Conventional dies are carbide wiring drawing dies. Those have demerits of short lifetime. Our diamond wiring drawing dies have attracted manufacturers’ attention due to their long lifetime. Materials in dies hole are mono-crystal or sintered diamonds that are most hardest materials altogether materials on the world. Sintered diamond, is also called because the polycrystalline diamonds, is produced in burning process with metal binder.
Concerning dies in natural diamond, the stones need to be selected consistent with precise criteria’s (weight, purity, tension and stress…) so as to best withstand the pressures of the wire drawing process and to maximize the quantity of republishing which will be done. Concerning polycrystalline dies (PCD), the selection of suppliers for these blanks is important so as to realize the simplest balance between surface fi nish and longevity. PCD blanks are regularly tested before being approved.
Respect and repeatability of the geometry
The required geometry must be achieved and be identical from one die set to subsequent for multiline machines. This reduces the risks of early wear and wire breakages.
Profi l blend
The junction between angle changes within the die got to be smoothed out and blended together, thus eliminating sharp angles. this may avoid the creation of metal dust and swarf which might contaminate the lubricant baths.
A polishing of quality (mirror fi nish) allows to scale back stress and defects on the wire during the drawing process. Polishing quality will determine the wire surface fi nish and is important for the fi nishing dies during a set.
Mounting powder
The mounting powder, during which the diamond is inserted, must be robust and even have properties to get rid of heat generated by drawing. it's decisive to urge the simplest die’s lifespan.
There are some sorts of wire drawing dies made by diamond, and therefore the important point that determines coiling efficiency could also be mounting method of diamond into base materials. We use the high-level technologies of mounting diamond with super-hard metal, so these dies get the drawing wire length up to 1.5?3.0 time, and dies lifetime up to three times as compared with the opposite Diamond wire drawing dies. Our sintered Diamond wire drawing dies are often applied to thicker diameter wire, and circularity error are often minimized due to no directivity in crystal. Get more info about pcd wire drawing dies.
Szwiredie supply the simplest quality wire drawing dies and wire die polishing machine from China to the opposite parts of the planet just to satisfy your requirements. Szwiredies are customized to match your requirement and that we can assist you with engineering the drawing die size and geometry. With an aim of building a permanent represent our company and that we will like collaborate with more Engineering research facility for more researches and test to enhance the standard of our wire drawing dies, Nano dies, diamond dies and tube drawing dies through advance technology.