Are You Listening to What Your Roof Is Telling You?
Can you remember the last time you had your commercial roof inspected by an Orlando Beach roofing professional? Inclement weather, UV radiation, dirt and debris, inadequate installation and repairs, and other factors can all prove problematic for your roof. If these issues are not addressed promptly, they can cause premature deterioration of the roof and affect its performance and lifespan.
Regular commercial roof maintenance allows you to inspect each aspect of your commercial roofing system and detect any minor issues that can turn into bigger problems down the line.
Yes—even the most seemingly minor problems can spell trouble for your commercial roof. And when your roof is at risk, your building is at risk.
Roof leaks, for example, can cause damage to the ceilings, walls, electrical and plumbing systems, and even the very structural stability of your commercial building. A competent Orlando Beach roof maintenance expert will identify even the tiniest roofing flaws and fix them right away, minimizing damage to your roofing system and your commercial building.
Among the roofing issues roofing contractors in Ormond Beach, FL, generally look for include:
- Debris buildup
- Damage from debris or storms
- Roof membrane damage from personnel working on rooftop equipment
- Roof penetration issues
- Missing or loose flashing
- Pitch pocket problems
- Restricted water flow and runoff
- Gutter seals issues or corrosion, mold
- Damage to or deterioration of any roofing material
Stagnant water on your roof is a good example of a warning sign that something is wrong. Water on your roof should ideally drain or evaporate within two days, if not sooner. If it does not, you may have an underlying problem—a choked drainage system, an improperly designed tapered insulation system, or damaged roof decking. Stagnant water can put way too much pressure on your commercial roofing system and potentially weaken supports and decking. If the ponding is extensive, it can even weaken the structural stability of your commercial building. Not to mention the risk of leaks or contaminants damaging your roof membrane.
Other signs of a serious roofing problem include cracks and holes in the roof, premature material breakdown, ceiling or wall stains, and mold or musty smells.
How Often Should You Schedule Your Commercial Roof Maintenance?Your Orlando Beach roofing contractor will recommend an appropriate interval for roof maintenance based on your property, geographic location as well as the type, condition, and age of your commercial roofing system, among other factors. At the minimum, you should have your roof inspected at least twice a year and after major storms. In addition, the older your roofing system, the more routinely you should have it inspected.
Your commercial roof maintenance is not too dissimilar to your car maintenance. You can drive your car for years and get a decent resale value for it if you replace the engine oil on a routine basis, use the recommended type of fuel, do regular tune-ups, and replace defective parts as needed. Well-maintained roofs often last 25% longer than unmaintained roofs, which equates to up to eight extra years—and that is a brilliant investment.
In conclusion, it is worthwhile to pay attention to what your roof is telling you!