How to Choose the Right Detroit Wedding Photographer

Author: Detroit Detroit

Getting married is a once in a lifetime experience, which is why so many brides and grooms find themselves worrying constantly about the small details. They have to pick the colors of the wedding, choose a venue, arrange for deposits, select the wedding parties and handle dozens of other minor issues. Those who find themselves worrying about hiring the right Detroit wedding photographer should take a step back and focus on three key things.

Ask About Experience

It's nearly impossible to plan a wedding without hearing a few horror stories about photographers. There are the photographers who took a deposit and never showed up on the day, and there are those who lost the images captured at the wedding. This is why it's so important that couples ask about the photographer's experience and some references. Even those who have decades of experience can have some problems in their past. Talking with references will give the couple an idea of how professional the photographer was, if the couples got the pictures they wanted and if they had any problems along the way.

Request Portfolio Access

A photographer is only as strong as his or her portfolio. In today's digital world, most professionals now have their portfolios available online, but some photographers will block their portfolios and give customers a password to access the images. Looking at portfolios is especially important for those interested in candid pictures or traditional wedding portraits. Traditional images usually feature the couple and the wedding party posed in specific positions, while candid pictures show the wedding party, couple and guests in more relaxed poses. Couples can use the portfolios to get an idea about how the photographers captured images and if they like the images that they see.

Get Estimates and Contract Information

Not reading the contract carefully is one of the biggest mistakes that a couple can make. The hidden details in that contract often throw couples for a loop. The photographer might slip in details about how he or she retains all rights to the images, that the photographer has up to six months or one year to provide couples with copies of their images or that making any changes to the final package comes with some high fees.

Couples also want to take the time to request estimates for each photographer they consider. This estimate should include the total cost of documenting both the wedding ceremony and reception, and it should also include the number of prints and the size of prints that come with the package. It may also list prices for adding new images to the original package. Requesting estimates, looking at portfolios and checking the photographer's experience can help couples pick the right Detroit wedding photographer. For more information,please visit our website :