How to Identify Birds like Pigeon & Dove?

Author: Pigeono Control System

Have you ever sat in your backyard and observed the birds? Even if they can't tell the difference between a Blue Jay and a Cardinal, most people enjoy bird watching. While most birds, regardless of their name, are beautiful, some can be quite destructive, necessitating bird removal services.

Pigeons are a flock animal that can cause significant damage to a property if not controlled, but many people mistake them for doves. Because they belong to the same species family, the confusion is not uncommon or incorrect, but doves tend to stick to pairs and pigeons tend to stick to flocks. Obviously, the more birds there are, the more potential damage there is.

Pigeono offers best-in-class bird control PVC Strips as a part of bird prevention services.

Identifying birds:

While distinguishing the two birds can be difficult because they are both descendants of the wild Rock Dove, there are ways to tell them apart. There are at least three differences between the two animals.

1. Physical appearance:

The size difference between a dove and a pigeon is the most obvious. Pigeons are larger than doves and have shorter, less expressive tails. Doves are generally brighter than pigeons, but this varies depending on the species and region.

2. Predators:

Other birds with high dive velocity, such as peregrine falcons and hawks, prey on pigeons. Ground doves must fear snakes and rats, especially when it comes to their eggs, in addition to predatory birds.

Pigeono is one of the most reputed companies offering humane bird spikes in India.

3. Sounds:

While both doves and pigeons make similar sounds, the trumpeter pigeon transforms the common coo into something more akin to a low laugh. Because each bird descended from the same species has similar vocal instruments, it may take an expert to tell the difference solely based on sound.

If you want to order the best bird prevention spikes online, contact Pigeono today.

Feathers & Birds:

Both pigeons and doves prefer enclosed nesting sites, which is bad news for your home. Many people who have bird issues have nests in their attics or sheds. While it is problematic simply because wildlife is present where it should not be, the worst part is that pigeons and doves are susceptible to ticks and mites. Salmonella bacteria can also be spread by birds.

Birds are also not known for having excellent bathroom habits, and dove and pigeon droppings are both harmful and dangerous to humans. Bird waste can depreciate property value, and a fungus that grows on the faeces can cause histoplasmosis disease in humans.

Pigeono offers top quality spikes for pigeon control in Vadodara, Gujarat.

Dealing with Infestation:

The easiest method to deal with a rogue pigeon or dove infestation is to prevent it from happening in the first place. You may protect your home by covering all vents with proper mesh covers. You should also seal any existing holes or openings that birds might find appealing. Another suggestion is to avoid putting out bird feeders and to manage insect populations. If you can eliminate obvious food and shelter sources, neither pigeons nor doves should find your home appealing.

A professional can help you with bird problems in your yard even after you've done everything possible to get rid of them.