How Is Bedford Defined As Driving Under The Influence (DUI)?

Author: Concord Masslaw

Bedford drivers risk DUI fines when the State believes that an individual is DUI when he drives or is under physical control on public roads or roads while being impaired by unlawful prescription or over-the-counter medications, alcohol, or a regulated substance of the government. However, not many drivers in Bedford are aware that if you are in the driver's seat, with the keys on the ignition or the keys in reach, theoretically, you may charge DUI. At the same time, you sleep or sit in a vehicle. Search for a criminal defense attorney who can answer your questions before your free consultation

What are the first DUI penalties for the Second offense of drunk driving in Bedford?

Even a first DUI violation may be punished seriously. It might cost you otherwise than the money you have to pay in penalties.

Some possible outcomes Second offense drunk driving are as follows:

  • Fines up to 1000 dollars. If your Blood Alcohol Content (BAC) is 0.15% or above or your vehicle has a young kid, the fee may be as high as $2000. If there were a severe injury, the punishment could be up to $5,000.
  • A Jail sentence may be up to six months. You might be detained for up to 9 months if the BAC was 0.15% or greater or you had a young kid present. If an accident leads to property damage or injury, a penalty of 1 year may be paid. If you were seriously injured, you might serve five years in prison.
  • Test up to 1 year. The combined period of probation and imprisonment cannot exceed one year.
  • 50 hours of service to the community.
  • Suspension of the driver's license up to 1 year. This is the criminal punishment, but the Bedford Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles also requires an administrative penalty of six months. These individual penalties may be partially overlapped. Choose the best criminal defense attorney or
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  • Vehicle impoundment or 10-day real estate.

What are the penalties for Bedford's second DUI?

Suppose you already have a DUI conviction on your Bedford record. In that case, several extremely severe and costly consequences may burden your life. Some of the sanctions may include:

Fines up to 2000 dollars. If you have a BAC of 0.15% or higher or a kid with you at that time, the punishment may be up to $4000. A severe injury accident may lead to a fine of up to $5,000.

The term to jail for a second DUI is a minimum of 10 days to 9 months' incarceration within 5 years. If you have a BAC of 0.15 percent or more, have a kid with you, or property damage or injury, you may be serving up to 1 year in prison. If you have been seriously injured, you may face five years in jail.

Mandatory IID installation for at least 1 year on your car.


If you have been arrested on behalf of a DUI and have previous convictions on your record, you must be ready to deal with your case so as to minimize its overall effects.

Recruiting a lawyer from the Ticket Clinic DUI Division who specializes in criminal DUI cases may be much cheaper than you think, particularly when you consider how much a DUI might pay if you are not at least trying to decrease the costs.

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