Signs your Watch Needs a Quick Battery Replacement

Author: Ben Thomas

Your watch is your constant connection with the movement of the day. Many high-end timepieces are built to last and it becomes your companion for life. Watch battery replacement may not seem to be your regular job, but it is necessary. The question is, how to know when is the time for your watch battery to be replaced with the new one. If you are not sure what is causing your watch troubles, or why you need a replacement, here are a few key pointers to know.

1. Maintaining your watches warranty

Your watch comes with a warranty. There is also a Manufacturers's Replacement Battery Manual. You will find the same usually in the warranty section that requires you to send it to a dealer. The authorized dealer is basically a repair center that will help you in fulfilling the warranty and preventing it from voiding.

2. Your Watch has Stopped

One of the biggest and most common signs of giving battery replacement is when your watch stops working. You will also question whether the problem with your watch is with regards to the battery? or some other reasons? If your watch has stopped the most obvious reason is your dead battery. Most mechanical watch batteries have a two-year lifespan. Though there are a number of factors that can lead to affecting the battery.

Some of them are:

The size of the battery

watch having extra functions and how often you use it

Whether your watch is digital

How often your watch is exposed to an extreme temperature situation

3. Your watch can't keep up with the right time

Another sign of battery issue is when your watch no longer keeps up with accurate time. If it still continues ticking but the time is always wrong, there is a problem with the battery. This may include watches that run slowly or run too fast. If you have a digital watch you will probably have to face dying battery performance. If you have a mechanical watch, things can get a lot more complicated than it already is.

4. Moisture in the Case

This is a general sign that your battery needs to be replaced and it is because of the moisture present in the case. Moisture or condensation issues are pretty rare and it occurs only when your battery is dead. A watch is a mechanical product, and the movement and automatic working can drain the battery slowly. Also, with the moisture present in it, the slightest amount of it can corrode the internal mechanism. Your watch may start to work odd or you will notice time slipping out. Keep your watch warm if you feel that the moisture is too much, before going for a battery replacement. The professionals will dry up your watch by cleaning each part apart. And then further replacement procedures will be conducted.

5. Date and Time adjustment is difficult

You have been using a watch for a very long time and you probably don't feel any discomfort while adjusting your time and date. But, now you are no longer able to change the time and date, even though you are doing it properly. So, as you notice about the date and time issues arising, it will probably be because of battery issues. One of the reasons why your watch may be acting up is because of the battery concern.

6. Second Hand Jumping

Just as a minute hand jump, you notice second hand jumping and speeding up the time too. It will be one of the reasons why your battery will be worn out and you have to fix it. If you are using a quartz watch, it is a fully battery-operated one and you will notice the battery draining out. So, when the second hand skips the time and runs quickly, you will have to take it to a specialist as soon as possible.

Your watch needs constant care and consideration. Look for the sign that shows if you actually need a battery replacement or not? So, the signs mentioned above must be kept in check, as these could be early signs. If you are facing any of it, seek help from a professional Watch Repairing Service near you and get your watch repaired.