70-489 :Certification For SharePoint Server
Applicants for this 70-489 PDF Kits usually are technical escorts with the minimum four years familiarity with SharePoint and web development. The interested applicants should have experience with SharePoint abilities along with online services like SharePoint Online and Microsoft Azure.
The applicants appearing the 70-489 Examination for Microsoft Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013 Advanced Solutions are accountable for designing custom code for projects that are arranged to or interrelate with SharePoint surroundings. An applicant usually has familiarity in:
- Selecting a suitable approach and constructing customizations in SharePoint.
- Planning and executing resolution deployment, packaging and upgrading.
- Recognizing SharePoint information and content arrangements for customizations.
- Executing debugging and diagnostics.
- Setting up and planning applications for scalability and presentation.
- Recognizing and extenuating performance problems of customizations.
- Understanding authorisation and authentication.
- Working with Windows PowerShell.
This 70-489 Actual Exam decides the abilities of applicants to achieve the technical tasks. The percentages show the comparative weight of each key topic part on the examination. The superior the proportion, the extra queries are likely to see on that content part on the examination.
Design and execute search (15 to 20 percent)
- Query search: Construct search queries by use of Keyword Query Language (KQL) and FAST Query Language (FQL), implement search queries by use of Web Services, client-side object model (CSOM) and REST.
- Customize search outcomes: Generate custom outcome sources, generate display templates, generate outcome types, generate custom refiner definitions and execute query rules.
- Customize content processing: Apply external content kinds, execute content processing extensions, construct out-of-the box content processing and generate content mappings.
Execute business connectivity services (10 to 15 percent)
- Generate a model: Optimize queries for throttling and performance, utilize naming conventions, utilize batching, generate filters, execute methods and generate associations.
- Generate external content kinds: Utilize SQL information sources, utilize.NET connector, utilize Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) Web Services and utilize OData.
- Execute authentication and authorisation: Utilize BCS Identity and User Identity, utilize pass-through and utilize a custom model.
- Generate custom connectors: Execute methods, execute security trimming, execute configuration properties, execute caching and execute external event receiver
- Access BCS information: Utilize BCS data in workflows, utilize BCS Web Parts, utilize the server-side object model, utilize BCS CSOM and utilize BCS REST.
- Execute client-side BCS: Utilize Microsoft Office apps, utilize caching, utilize SQL replication, and utilize Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office, Execute authentication and authorisation.
Execute customize social workload and user profiles (15 to 20 percent)
- Handle user profile properties
- Handle feeds
- Access user profile information
Execute web content management and enterprise content management (15 to 20 percent)
- Execute a multilingual site
- Execute e-discovery
- Execute search engine optimization
- Execute content management
- Execute a publishing page
Design for troubleshooting and performance (15 to 20 percent)
- Design resolutions to handle a high-traffic site
- Design customer applications for performance
- Examine and mitigate scalability and performance problems
Execute managed metadata service (MMS) (15 to 20 percent)
- Handle term sets
- Generate resolution by use of MMS
- Utilize an MMS API
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