Silicone Roofing Solutions For Modern Home

Author: Adam Lee

Restoring a roof, versus completely replacing it, saves property owners money and gets them freshly House Painting Services over 30-years warranty and many more. On Safe Painting Service, with no doubt, you’ll save money, time, and aggravation and avoid time-consuming and costly tear-offs. In Nepal, whether your roof is large or small, flat or sloped, Silicone Roof Coating Systems provide a proven, guaranteed solution for renewing your weathered roof. They can be applied to virtually any existing roofing surface to create a seamless membrane that protects against permanent ponding water, ultraviolet light, and severe weather.

Easy process of installing a coating system1. First, an infrared inspection should be performed to see if there are any saturated areas of insulation under the membrane. After that, the entire roof surface should be power washed clean to remove any contaminants.

  1. After the primer should be installed, the seams of the membrane are then reinforced.
  2. Once all of the miscellaneous repairs have been performed to the existing roof system, silicone is sprayed, or roller applied over the entire surface of the roof.
  3. After the silicone coating system has been completed, a final inspection should be performed to verify if all the necessary repairs are performed properly and the silicone is applied with the right amount of thickness.

Advantages of silicone roofing system• Silicone is permanent and will not degrade, chalk or crack under harsh UV rays.

  • Silicone forms a seamless membrane that withstands permanent ponding water without softening.
  • Silicone creates a smooth surface that offers excellent resistance to mold, mildew, and staining.
  • As long as the existing roof substrate is dry and stable, no roof removal is required.
  • saving up to 35% in energy costs by reducing air conditioning usage to keep the facilities cool.
  • Silicone coatings are solvent free and contain extremely low Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) levels.
  • It will extend the life of your roof.
  • your roofing system is easier than almost all other coatings for many reasons
  • Because of the thick consistency of silicone, this has higher solids content than acrylic and other cheaper coatings.

Why and which roof is suitable for silicone roofing

Avoid timely and costly tear-off

By re-covering, you save on labor costs and avoid landfill expenses, plus your existing roof can be re-covered without any interruption to Home Painting Services operations.

Extend the life of your roof

By silicone roofing style on your roof, you’ll never need to replace the roof again.

Reduce energy costs

This composition of high solid requires less material and allows for a single application, saving time and labor. The highly reflective, glossy finish of roof coatings can help reduce energy costs.

Ideal for both flat and low sloped roofs

Silicone coatings are better at protecting structures from ponding water. Apply over pre-existing elastomeric roof coatings, metal roofs, built-up roofing, mineral cap sheet, and weathered single-ply membranes. Re-coat existing sprayed-in-place polyurethane foam, concrete, wood, and many other coatings.