7 Signs he wants to make you his girlfriend
Now that I’m back in the dating pool after ending a 3-year on-and-off relationship I’ve discovered just how complicated dating can be.
A lot of cryptic messages and indecisiveness from men that present themselves as available, but turn out to be very unavailable.
So, naturally, like any other woman I’m left trying to figure out how to tell if a guy wants to make you his girlfriend.
I mean at 32 I don’t desire to invest weeks or even months into dating a man that doesn’t want the same as me - a committed relationship that leads to marriage. So as I’m helping myself, I decided to share the signs he wants to make you his girlfriend, you and I can use to navigate these streets.
He is consistent in his pursuit
Every woman has been there before. You meet a guy, hit it off and for the first couple of weeks things seem to progress smoothly. He texts and calls regularly, which makes you feel reassured of his interest in you.
But then after a while, his pursuit becomes inconsistent.
Well, let me give it to you straight. A man that is interested in building a future together will be consistent in his pursuit. Because he is trying to win you over. So, if he’s not, stop over-analyzing his behavior and take it for a clear no.
He shares his past with you
Men are very selective with who they allow into their inner circle and share vulnerable information with. After all, most men don’t enjoy being vulnerable, especially if they don’t know how long you be part around. This is why if a man shares his past with you and opens up to you, he sees you as someone he wants to keep around longer.
He wants to spend all his free time with you
It goes without saying that a guy who is still seeing other women and dating casually, in general, has less free time to spend with you. Meaning he will be less available and spread out dates. However, a man that wants to make you his girlfriend will want to spend as much time with you as possible. He will quickly progress from seeing you on the weekends only to meeting up during weekdays.
Therefore, the more time he wants to spend with you the safer it is to assume he is interested in being with you.
He tells you he wants a relationship
I know this one is not a sign that he wants you to be his girlfriend, but I decided to include it in my list nonetheless. Understand that the above signs do not matter if a man tells you that he does not want a relationship. So, you have to make sure that his words match his actions first. If all you have are signs while he communicates the opposite, then they don’t mean a thing.
Have you experienced these signs before or are you already in a relationship and need to know if he is serious about you? Check out this blog post right here: https://www.justinemfulama.com/relationships/signs-he-wants-a-relationship/